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If Only You'd Realize

Chapter 5

*Tristan's P.O.V*

I watch Emilee’s moving body disappear in front of me. I don’t know why she got so mad when I told her that I was going to marry my girlfriend of two years. Skylar is a nice girl. She’s done everything to make me happy and I’ve done the same with her. Emilee just needs to give Skylar the time of day; maybe if Emilee does that, she will see that Skylar is super awesome. Skylar would never harm a fly; she’s just so nice to everyone and everything. Maybe I can get Skylar to put Emilee in the wedding as a bride’s maid or something along the lines of that.

“There’s always that one person That will always have your heart
You never see it coming
Cause you’re blinded from the start…”

I dig into my jacket pocket to grab my phone. Without even looking at the screen I know its Skylar because I put our song, which is “My Boo” by Usher, as her default ringtone.

“Hello?” I ask even though I know its Skylar.

“Hey baby, when will you get back from the airport?” She asks me in her amazingly sweet voice, even though Emilee’s voice sounds so much better.

“Umm,” I say as I check my phone to see what time it is. “I should be back at my house in about 25 minutes. Emilee just left to go to her gate, so I’m leaving right now.”

“Ok, call me when you get to your house then, bye!”

“Bye hon.” I hang up my phone and dropped it back into my pocket. I turned around on my heel and started heading back outside to the parking garage.

I made it to the level in the parking garage I parked on. I pull out my keys and looked around to where I parked my car. I spotted my blue 2010 Chevy Silverado, and unlocked the truck. I climbed into the driver’s side and backed out of the parking space. I headed out of the airport property and onto the main road to get onto the highway. I turned on my radio and noticed that my favorite song was on, so I cranked my volume up. I checked the time and noticed that Emilee’s flight will be landing in about two hours, so I won’t have to call her for awhile. I got onto the highway right when the chorus of the song came on. I headed back up to Minneapolis where my house is located.

I picked up my phone out of my pocket and dialed Skylar’s number. After just one ring she answered.

“Hey baby, what’s up?” She asks me as soon as she answered her phone.

“Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to have a date night tonight.”

“Yeah sure, that sounds great. What time will it be at?”

“Um, I will pick you up around 7:30. Make sure you wear something fancy.” I tell her. I don’t want to have her show up in jeans and a t-shirt when she is supposed to wear a fancy dress.

“Ok Tristy, I’ll see you then. Bye.” I smile at the nickname she called me. She hasn’t used that one in a while.

“Bye babe.” And with that I hung up the phone.

I pulled into my parking spot outside of my row house. It isn’t the best house, but it works. It’s close to many restaurants and shops. It’s also close to my work. But in about a week Skylar will move in with me because her lease will be up. And before our wedding, we will go house hunting for a bigger nicer home that will fit both of our needs. So when are wedding is done, we will have a nice big house to come home to that will have plenty of space. Wink wink…if you know what I mean.

I walked into that main entrance and headed into the kitchen. I opened up the fridge and pulled out the left over pizza that I had bought yesterday when Emilee had stayed over. I placed the pizza into the microwave so it could warm up. I ran outside and into my garage and grabbed a bottle of Mountain Dew out of my mini fridge. I ran back inside. I stepped into the house right when the microwave buzzer went off. I got all my food and walked into my living room. I sat down on my couch and turned on the TV. I flipped though the channels before settling on Comedy Central. Thankfully something good was on, which is Tosh.O, so I watched the show while I ate my meal.

Once finished I dropped my dishes back into the kitchen and pulled out my iPad, which was sitting on the kitchen counter. I did a quick search for a nice four or five star restaurant in Minneapolis. I found one that just opened up and thought they sounded interesting, so I called them up and made dinner reservations for me and Skylar tonight at eight o’clock.

Once finished I called up Emilee because her flight should have landed about now. Her phone rang once, twice, three times before it went straight to voicemail. Maybe she can’t talk at the moment. I left her a message telling her to call me back and blah, blah, blah.

I hung up the phone and walked up the stairs and into my bedroom, so I can take a nap. I changed out of my jeans and into a pair of sweatpants. I sat an alarm on my phone to wake me up in 3 hours so I could get ready for my date tonight. I sat down onto my queen size bed and got comfortable. I closed my eyes and fell into a nice, deep sleep.

“Tristan, give me back my blanky!” Emilee’s five year old self wined out.

“No! Not until you give me a proper kiss on my lips. No kiss on the cheek, one on the lips!” I shouted out to her.

“But, I don’t wanna. Boys have cooties!” She stuck her nose up in disgust.

“If you don’t give me a kiss on the lips, then I won’t give you blanky.” I teased

“Fine, I will!” She stormed over to me. She took a deep breath and steeped into the now closed space between us.

We puckered our lips and leaned into each other. Our eyes stayed glued open and looking at each other. Our lips met for a split second before Emilee pulled away.

Emilee, with a look of disgust on her face, quickly wiped away the kiss that was just placed onto her lips.

“You gave me cooties Tristan!” She yelled at me. “So give me blanky now.”

I walked towards her with her blanky held outwards in my hand. Right when she was about to grab her blanky, I ran. I ran as fast as my seven year old body could. Her blanket held against my body so I wouldn’t drop it. Though my laughter I started to hear her cry. I turned around and-.

My alarm clock woke me up. I turned it off and got up of my bed. I headed into the bathroom to get ready.

30 minutes later I was done.

It has been about 5 hours since Emilee’s flight landed, I think it’s time for me to call her and ask her how it went.

"Hello?" Emilee asked after only two rings.

"Hey Emilee, it's Tristan. How was your flight?"

"Hey Tristan, it went really good, but I slept through most of it."

"Ahaha ok than, I was just checking up on how it’s going back at home." I tell her as I play with the zipper on my jacket.

"Oh haha yeah it's going good. So what's up?"

"Not much, just getting ready for my date with Skylar. How about you?" I answer her.

"Well, right now I'm doing laundry, than Sara is going out on a date, and--"

"Tell Sara I say hi." I haven’t seen Sara in forever. "Please?"

"Okay I will. Let me finish and thanks for cutting me off."

"No problem. Continue please." Why did I cut her off, I never do that to anyone.

"And then I'm going out to dinner with this guy who asked me out on the plane ride."

Wait what?

"Oh wow. You seriously just got home and you’re going out with a guy who you just meet. Very mature Emilee, you just got back from Minnesota, take some time and relax a little." Is that jealousy I feel…no, it can’t be!

"Yeah I know I just got home and I want to go out with this guy. You’re not my parents Tristan and If I were you I would stop ripping on me because you’re doing the exact same thing by taking Skylar out."

She just hung up on me! Wow, get pissed off much Emilee?

I ended the call and made my way over to Skylar’s for our date. As usual, Skylar looked very beautiful and we had the best night ever.
♠ ♠ ♠
This so long over due guys :( I'm so, so, so sorry. I have been so busy.

I'm laking motivation for this guys are lucky that I am in a good mood today.

Please, please, please don't be a silent reader, comments make me so happy and if you comment, than it makes me want to update sooner.