
Your Guardian Angel

I could remember the first time we really talked like it was yesterday. It was my first year here, and his second. We were staying after school for a football game.

I had said hey to him a few times, but today, I decided to actually talk to this guy. I figured out that he had recently (like a month before) moved here from Mexico. I was shocked because I thought it would've been hard to get used to . He seemed fine with everything though. Honestly, he's probably the funniest guy that I have ever talked to.

Anyway, I remembered Jennifer, another clarinet player, told me he was in her choir class and had a beautiful voice, so when we were walking through the hallways of the school and talking, I asked him if he would sing for me. He laughed and wondered why.

"Jennifer told me you had a pretty voice."

Letting out a tiny little titter, he said, "Then you must sing with me, too. "

I had smiled, and asked, "Do you even know my name?"

He shook his head with an apologetic smile.

"It's Adira. And we should find somewhere private."

Nodding, he whispered, "Adira."

I admitted that I liked the way he said my name, and we both just smiled. We eventually found this little closet, and I started, knowing he was terrified.

"Oh, say, can you see..." It was the only song we could think of that we both knew.

When his deep voice joined in with me, it was absolutely beautiful. We sang all the way through the song until the end of "brave" hung in the air between us. All we could do was stare at each other. Eventually, I told him that Jennifer was right, and he told me that I also had a beautiful voice.

His voice had moved me then, and it moved me now, as well. He was outside the door, singing quietly to himself and waiting for me to open the locked door.

"Adira, my mom isn't going to be happy with me."

Was that all he was worried about? His mom?

"Go, then!" I yelled at him.

After a moment of silence, his soft voice pleaded, "Adira, please let me in. I can help you.

I wondered for a second if he meant in the room, or in my life and problems. Oh well, I thought, reluctantly unlocking the door. He must have been leaning against it because when I opened it, he fell inside, almost plummeting to the floor.

"Hey," He said quietly after steadying himself.

I half-smiled, and he frowned. "Why'd you look for me?"

"I didn't. I knew where you'd be."

"Well," I said, forcing back a smile, "why did you even want to see me?"

He hesitated. "I know you're upset, Adira."

"Why don't you hate me??"

Taken aback, he asked, "what? why would I hate you?"

Tears had begun to form in my eyes, and I really didn't want to cry in front of him. "Because of what Kyle told everyone."

"Adira, you need help. I'm not going to leave you alone at your worst times. I want to help you, if you'll let me."

A part of me wants him to help me, but another part knows the truth: "There's nothing that anyone can do to help."

Frowning, he offered, "I just want to comfort you, be your Guardian Angel."

I feel something inside me change right then as I give in and fall into his arms. I'm so confused, but he feels like home, and then the best news: his mom doesn't even care if I spend the night.

When I get in the car with them, I feel almost...happy. And I don't want it to end. Of course, when things are good, you should know, that something bad's just around the corner. But for now, I was happy, and Carlos was here now.

Everything is fine...
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