Status: In Progress.

Closer to the Edge


"What were you thinking?!" my dad asked me as he held my arm roughly and pulled me into our home.

"Umm, I don't know?" I said as he sat me down on the couch and paced in front of me.

"You don't know," he half laughed, but I knew it wasn't in an amused tone. "You weren't thinking at all! That's the fuckin' problem!"

I winced and held my head. This was so not good for me right now.

"I take it you're angry."

This time he full out laughed and it was still not in an amusing way. More like a 'are you kidding me?' kind of way.

"Angry doesn't even cover it, Jacey," he said. "I just picked my seventeen year old daughter up from some random house because she thought getting high and partying would be a fun way to waste the night away."

"Dad? Can we continue this maybe later? I so don't feel good."

"No, we will not continue this later!" he yelled. "We are going to talk about this now!"

"Well at least stop fuckin' yelling," I said to him.

"Language, young lady," he said sitting down on the coffee table in front of me.

"Why are you acting this way?" I asked. "You've never been this authoritative before."

"I guess it's about time I did then," he said. "Now, how long have you been on drugs?"

I sighed and slumped down into the couch as it seemed I would be here a while.

"Almost a year," I answered. "I think."

"Where the hell have I been?" he asked himself as he put his face in his hands.

"Just send me to my room already," I said tiredly standing up.

He looked up at me then and I seen what looked like flames in his eyes. Jeez, I had never seen him this angry before.

"If I were you, I would sit my ass back down on that couch and fast."

I cowered down and took the previous position I had before.

"Jacey, I don't know what to do anymore," he said shaking his head. "I knew you were acting different, but I never knew it was this bad."

"There is nothing you can do, dad," I said. "I make my own decisions."

Okay, that fire in his eyes was really starting to worry me. It just seemed to grow and grow each time I talked, but no matter how much I knew this, I could not keep my mouth shut.

"You're only seventeen, Jacey. You do not make your own decisions."

I sighed frustratedly and crossed my arms. I stared at him with my own fire in my eyes.

"Seeing as how I can't trust you to stay here by yourself or stay with any of your friends, you will be going on tour with me and your uncles," he said.

"Wow, what a punishment," I said sarcastically rolling my eyes.

"You will be in our watchful eye the whole time and you are not to step one foot off that damn bus without one of us with you, understood?"

"What?! I'm not five, dad. I think I-"

"Understood?!" he yelled this time and I flinched from the force in the voice he used.

I nodded and watched him get up and hold his hand out to me. I just looked at it for a while, but then finally accepted it.

"It's for your own good," he said as he helped me up. "Now, go to bed."
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I hope you guys like it :). Please comment and let me know if I should continue.