Status: Completed \m/


In General


"I don't give a damn if you don't like her or not. Olivia and I are back together, that's final" I said calmy even though I wanted scream in Ryan's face as well as Derek but I kept my anger under control 

"Now Oli''s going to think that she can just come and go as she please. It isn't right!" Ryan persisted 

"What isn't right is you all in my business. Mine your own man" I snapped, there goes my anger management out the damn window "I don't criticize you guys relationship"  

"Ronnie's right Ryan let go. It's not our business" Derek said before walking away. Ryan gave me a sympathic look before  following Derek. Apologetic would have been better but I let that go. I check the time and freaked out it was already a quarter pace eight! I was supposed to meet Olivia twenty five minutes ago. Ryan had been bugging for the past few hours made me lose track of time.

I was striding towards the door when I heard Jacky's voice call for me. I stopped and turned on my heels. 

"Are you going to see Olivia now?" he asked walking towards me 

"Yes, I'm supposed to be helping her move" I answered. Jacky shifted uncomfortably on his feet like wanted to ask me something "Do you wanna come?" I asked, he smiled and nodded "Well c'mon I'm late" 

When I got there Olivia wasn't instead her creepy look-a-like answered the door again. She welcomed me in but I refused. What was her name again? Ruth or some shit? 

"Do want me to give Oli's new address?" she offered  

"No thanks Ruth. I'll just call her" 

"My names Rue!" she corrected me sounding offended. I rolled my eyes I don't care I wanted to say but I kept that to myself. 

"What's seems to be the problem here?" That really tall guy came behind Rue. I couldn't forget Aaron's name. Not after all Olivia told me about him

"Theres no problem" I said

"He's looking for Oli!" Rue blurted out 

"You're kinda late for that don't you think? Oh hi Jacky" he waved 

"You guys no each other?" I darted my gaze between the two. Jacky shook his head. 

"Of course we no each other!" Aaron exclaimed winking at Jacky, nudging his shoulder. I looked towards my quiet english friend raising a questionable brow. 

"We are acquaintances" Jacky corrected in a defensive voice.  

"Whatever," Aaron rolled his eyes then met my gaze "I was just about to go over Oli's apartment. You boys can follow me over there if you want" he said before walking in between us holding a medium sized cardboard box. Without saying excuse me I might add. "Are you comin' or not?" Aaron said before opening a car door  

"Do you wanna?" I started to ask Jacky 

"Lets just go" he shrugged 

"Hey guys wait for me!" Rue ran to catch up
♠ ♠ ♠
Til The End already has 2 subscribers and 1 comment :3 

Everyone else should also pre-subscribe as well just excuse the layout and summary. It's just something I did real quick from my phone & we all know how hard that can be. 

Doing a sequel to this means I get add a little extra something to this story & I'm kinda excited. Let's just say you're in for a surprise 

Sincerely yours, Blacklisted Me.