That Girl.

...that girl...that girl...

Another boring school day. Another beautiful day. Another day wasted away by school. I could be outside, at the skate park, skating my heart out on the ramps. But no, I'm stuck in Math 3, solving complicated equations that I'm just going to get wrong anyways. I don't see the point in try when I know I'm only going to fail at this thing called life.

Across the room, somebody coughed. As I looked to see who it was, I saw her. I can see her avoiding my harsh gaze and staring intently at the board. I can see that her eyes flicker to the corner to look at me and then hastily look away. I don't understand why she's so quiet and then so bitchy when she does speak. It'd be amazing if she would actually talk to be. I can change her whole outlook on life.

From what I've heard, she has a pretty terrible home life. She's supposedly stuck with the mother she hates and the sister that she threatens to kill. I went out with her sister, I believe that whore's name was Rose, just to get close to her. As a matter of fact, the girl ignored me whenever I was at her house. She ignored everything. She hates life and it's evident in the way she acts.

"Mickey!" My teacher, Mrs. Higgins, snapped. I turned my head to lazily look at her. My cheek was resting in the palm of my hands.

"Yes?" I asked in my normal, husky voice. It's not like black-guy deep but it's not gay-guy high either.

Mrs. Higgins pinched the bridge of her nose, "For the last time, pay attention." She snapped the yard stick onto the desk, making a loud crack sounds, "What is the answer to number three?" She asked in a more calm way.

I shrugged, "Nine? I have no fucking clue."

Mrs. Higgins tensed, "Language, Mr. Hestla. Your garbage mouth can be used outside of the classroom, not in it. And, how did you get nine?"

"It was the first number that came to my head." The whole class burst into laughter. I even saw her crack a smile. But it was gone in a flash when she saw that I was staring.

Mrs. Higgins sighed, "Mr. Hestla, may I see you after class?" 

"I guess." I leaned back and stretched my arms above my head. I heard the girl behind me squeak and I guess I hit her or something. Not my problem.


Twenty minutes later the bell rang and I watched as that girl sped out of the classroom. I hastily collected my things and ran out after her. "Wait!" I called, jogging down the hall to meet up with her. She was a fast walker, maybe she's in track or something. She definitely has the legs for it, unlike her twin sister who is laziest fat ass I've ever met. 

She glared at me, "Why are you stalking me?" She asked and we turned the corner.

"I just want to know why you're so angry all the time." I said and gave her my signature grin.

"How would you feel if you were living in a house where your mother and sister were whores? No comment? Yeah, I thought so?" She cut me off as she turned into a classroom. I sighed and continued walking to my next class. Rose just so happened to be in that class and she being the biggest freak in the world; she always has to come up and talk to me. She doesn't get that I don't want to talk to her. 

"Mickey!" Rose smiled and prances up to me, walking away from her group of sluts friends. I stuffed my hands into my pockets, looking smug.

"Rose." I said blandly.

"What's up? You haven't been over in forever." She smiled, her green eyes twinkling.

"Yeah, well, we broke up so I'd see no reason for me coming over. Maybe if I was friends with your sister..." I smirked.

Rose's eyes ignited in hatred before she scoffed, "Kailey doesn't talk to anybody." Yes, that her's name is Kailey. Kailey Ayuzawa. I have yet to learn her middle name. But she's still beautiful without me knowing her name. She has natural bleach blonde hair. She probably gets it from her absent father because her mother and sister both have raven locks of hair. She has the same green eyes that both her mother and sister have though. But her eyes are dull and no light shines through them. I'm going to change that day. She'll know it and so will the whole world. I will bring Kailey Ayuzawa to a high point in life. 

"Yeah, well, what did you want anyways?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Rose smirked, "I'm having a party at my house Friday night. Everybody's going to be there. You should be there." 

My eyes lit up. Everybody means Kailey will be there, "I'll definitely be there. Don't worry your slutty little head." The bitch, I think bitchiness runs in the family, glared at me before she took her seat in the front of room. My desk, however, was in the back of the room. Thank god. 

I sat through another boring lesson in U.S. History, looking out the window and thinking about Kailey. I do everything I can to get her attention but she doesn't pay attention. I guess she just has great skill like that. It's hard to ignore somebody as amazing and sexy as I am. Then again, it is quite easy because I can really get under somebody's skin to the point when they're forced to ignore me.

By the time I left US history that day, I knew what I had to do to get Kailey's attention that night. It was time for some serious sex appeal.


The party at the Ayuzawa's house was in full swing. People were on their third or fourth drink, the music was loud and pumping, and people were openly ravishing each other. It was awesome. Everything a high school party should be.

I was just arriving with a buddy of mine, Kevin. He's the king of parties. He agreed to come with me to get Rose off my back. I needed to focus on her twin sister and getting her to fall in love with me. I knew it was a pretty far-fetched idea but I would make it work. I had to. 

"Mickey! You came!" Rose stumbled up to me and slurred. She was wasted. Great.

"Yeah. You remember Kevin right?" I pushed her towards Kevin before heading into the kitchen. I saw Kailey sitting at the counter, looking as sexy as ever. She was sipping a glass of what looked like water. It could of easily been vodka or something. I headed over to her and leaned on the counter, a smirk on my face. "Hey there." I said, "You don't look like the type of person who gets drunk."

Kailey looked at me icily, "It's water you dumb ass. I don't drink or do anything like that?"

"So you're straight edge?" I asked, still smirking. One bit of information obtained.

"Basically." She said as if it were obviously. She parted her lips and brought her drink to her mouth, taking a sip, "Are you just going to stand there or are you going to leave me alone?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

I took a piece of her hair between my fingers and started playing with it. Her hair is so soft. I could play with it all day, "I want to get to know you."

She smacked my hand away, "Well, if you want to get to know me, here's a bit of info: don't touch my fucking hair. And don't get in my way." She finished her water and put her glass in the dishwasher, "Why do you want to get to know me anyways? Last time I checked, I wasn't your type. You like girls who take off their shirts with a snap of your fingers." 

Alright, I will admit that, that hurt a bit. I like all types of girls, even the slutty ones. But I'm open to all types of things. I will admit that I've never been with a girl like Kailey. She's so down to earth and she isn't afraid to say what's really on her mind. I enjoy that a lot. "I like all types of girls. I will admit that I've never been with a girl like you before."

Kailey gave a big, fake smile and clasped her hands together, "Aw, that's so sweet! Why don't we get in my bed and fuck?" Her voice was dripping with sarcasm.

I glared at her, "I didn't expect you to be that easy."

"I'm not. I wouldn't even think about getting in a bed with you either. You're just some stupid man whore who doesn't respect a woman's body or mind. You use women for your own sexual relief. Rose is an easy girl to get. And she's a whore. Did you respect her any more than she respects herself? No." Kailey crossed her arms over her chest, "Next time you want to talk to me, make sure you aren't a whore first."

She started to turn away and I grabbed her arm, "Wait. Give me a chance. Let me take you out somewhere. I can change the way you think of things and at me."

"Why should I give you a chance and say yes?"

"Because I really like you." 

Kailey cackled, "Better luck next time, Mickey." And then she walked away, swinging her hips, leaving me with just a perfect view of her perfect ass. I will get her. She will be mine.


A few weeks passed until Valentine's Day hit. I've made desperate attempts to get Kailey to go out with me but they all failed. The bitch is so stubborn and set on her views that she won't even get to know the real me. The real me is nice, funny and caring. I'm not a whore. She just doesn't see anything else.

So, when people saw me carrying a heart-shaped package of chocolates towards Kailey, everybody stopped and stared. Kailey was standing at her locker, rummaging through it. I stood beside it and she looked at me, "Really?" She pointed to the chocolates and laughed, "You brought me chocolates?"

"Yes. You aren't allergic, are you?" I panicked. As if this weren't embarrassing enough. Imagine if she were allergic? God.

"No. But thanks." She actually gave a genuine smile and took the chocolates from me. 

I smiled back, "You're welcome. So will you go out with me? Please?"

Her face fell slightly but then she looked down at the chocolates and smiled slightly, "I guess I could give you a chance. But only because nobody's ever gotten me chocolates before." She smiled and shut her locker.

"Alright. Want to go tonight? I'll pick you up at 6:30." Tonight was Friday so we could stay out as late as we wanted.

"Sure. Where are we going?"

"Well, a little birdie told me you loved to skateboard so... We're going to the skatepark."

"Fun." She smirked, "Looking forward to it." And then she walked away, her hips swaying naturally. God, her ass is so nice. I just want to grab it in my hands and give it a nice squeeze. But I doubt that will go over well.


So we're about an hour into the date and I can honestly say that everything is going pretty well. Kailey is actually, and surprisingly, being nice to me and not called me a whore or being a bitch. She is laughing at my jokes, again surprising, and she's just being fucking awesome. It takes all my willpower to not kiss her yet.

"To think this all started over a box of chocolates." I laughed as we stuffed fries in our faces. We were still at the skatepark but they have one of those concession stands or whatever so we got fries and burgers. We are currently sitting at a wooden table in the dark. We put our phones on bright so there was some light plus the street lights were on but those are dim.

Kailey chuckled, "Yeah... I really do appreciate that. Nobody has ever brought me chocolates before. Then again, no guy has ever really asked me out on a date before."

"You're too intimidating but I knew I could handle you." We both laughed and sat in silence for a while. It was nice, being able to actually go out on a date with the girl that has interested me since I met her in like eighth grade. She was in my Italian class and she never talked to me. She was just so pretty I couldn't help but notice her.

I stood up and threw out my garbage, offering to take hers. She just smiled and I threw her garbage out to. We decided that we were going to go to the real park and just stroll through it under the night stars. That sounds pretty gay but we got to talking and it was fun.

We found ourselves on a bunch, staring up at the stars. I could just make out the big dipper and the little dipper, "This is nice." I said softly. I saw Kailey nod out of the corner of my eye. "Can I ask you something?" I asked. 

She shrugged, "I guess."

"Can I kiss you?" I looked at her. Her face expressed no emotions whatsoever. She turned to me and wrapped her arms around my neck, pressing our lips together. I placed my hands on her hips and moved my lips against hers. Her lips were so soft, like cotton candy.

She pulled away and her cheeks ignited in flames, "That was my first kiss."

"Well I'm glad I stole it from you." We went back to kissing. I held her close to me and the rest of that night was a blur.