Status: New

The Hunt


I never thought my life would end up this way. People who used to know me would agree. They would have thought that I would have finished my Task and moved onto the second stage of life already. Little did I know about what the Alumni had in store for me for my Choosing. I still haven't completed my Task and it has been 4 years since I have started. I hate this life I lead but I can't escape. They are always watching my every move. The worst part is that there are two ways I can get out. Complete my Task or participate in The Hunt but few who had my job survived either.
It's not easy to survive The Hunt. It's a last resort for anyone who wants to be known, get rich, or just escape the life they have for something better. I can't ever enter; I won't go to such drastic stakes to get out no matter how much I want to.
I jump down from my perch on the tree branch, landing on the soft grass. I look around and see no one in the Cyber Park, at least that I noticed at the moment. I slip my knife into my thigh-holster then start heading toward my destination to collect the bounty for my latest kill. People say what I do is wrong and some say I'm getting rid of the world's trash but I think they're all wrong. Everyone deserves to live no matter what they have done.
As I continue walking, I hear the faint sound of a twig breaking. I stop walking and listen closely and hear someone, a man, breathing slowly and coming closer. I wait just until the right moment to bring back my elbow to hit him in the neck hard, shooting him backwards. While he was still stunned, I turn around, grab his neck and forcefully bring his chest to hit my knee to knock the air out of him and make him fall to his knees. I circle around him and kick him in the back then in the side to make him lay on his back to face me.
I look at him and instead of his face, I see a tribal fox mask with red fur surrounding the rim. I reach out to touch it but he grabs my wrist, gripping it hard.
“Don't touch it”, he said in a muffled, husky voice, “You’re Xahila Banewood, right?” I look at him confused and snatch my hand away but then I kick him in the chest, leaving my boot on his chest.
“What's it to you, fox face”, I ask in a dark threatening tone. He chuckled and obviously looked at everything on me, from my pulled up, to the bottom of my back, black-blue hair to my dull, gray assassin uniform. He laughed again and this time it was darker, more hostile.
“Get your boot off of me. I work for your employer and have a new job for you”, he said in a way of mocking me. I took my boot off of him and let him stand up. “Faux gives you props for your last assignment and here’s your pay”, he said handing me a giant bag. I looked inside and say about 2,000 dagma.
“What does this Faux guy want now,” I ask skeptically. He laughs again. He slowly starts to circle me.
“He wants to have a personal meeting with you, talk business and what not. He did say that I could have whatever I want after I see you”, he said darkly, lustfully. He pounced on me like a dog but I intercepted with a good kick to the stomach and a roundhouse kick.
“Sorry, honey, but I’m nobody’s prize”, I say as I take his money, “Now, where is this Faux fellow?”
“CyberNet Tower, top floor”, he said cooperatively but I kick him square in the jaw and send him unconscious. I have business too handle because this Faux, is going to pay well to be at Cybernet Tower. I take his thick fur coat; obviously made of foxes, put it on as a sign of pride and a warning to Faux and his men that I am a force not to be reckoned with.
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This is only the first chapter but give me some feedback.