Status: New

The Hunt


Cybernet Tower, a building taller than the eye can see with deep blue windows, encasing the secrets that lie behind the endless amount of walls. It is the place for the rich and wealthy to roam, live, and gamble their lives away. Here is where I meet my employer, Faux. As I enter the building, I see the beauty of the room that lies before me. Golden marble below me, beautiful rare plants from Roses of Old to Lotus Lilies adorn the walls, the main desk made of crystal with golden lace design, and nearby is the Endless Staircase, completely made of gold and diamonds.I stand looking at this place of riches, jealous of the lives its residents lead, and in awe of its elegance and beauty.
I was broken from my trance by the main attendant. Even someone with such little a job is gifted with a body of crystal ,eyes of emerald, and hair as red as rubies. But she was designed this way, for when you come to the Tower to work, you are erased of all memories.
“You must be Mr. Faux's guest. He's waiting for you at the Top Casino. Here's your pass”, she said in her gentle, but emotionless voice.
“Lead the way”, I said as she took her place in front of me. She led me to a door of gold, she stood for a second as she punched in a code to open the elevator.
“The stairway is for residents only,” she said as I walked in the glass elevator,”Enjoy your time at Cybernet Tower, Miss Banewood.”
The elevator door closed and instantly started moving up, giving me time to think about my new employer. What does he want? Who does he want killed and why? For someone as rich as him, he could have hired someone bigger than me like The Wolf. He wants me for a specific reason. I want to find out.
The elevator came to an abrupt halt and the door opened to a neon lit room with games and showgirls. The room covered in poker tables and one huge bar with robots as bartender. This is paradise for the rich.
“Miss Banewood. Mr. Faux is waiting for you”, I someone say. I turn to see the same girl from the lobby smiling at me.
“Of course. I can't keep Mr, Faux waiting”, I said smiling. She smiled and she instantly started leading me to him without a word. Along the way, I see many men arguing about bets but before a fight breaks out, the showgirl at the tables all touch the men and they instantly calm down. Strange.
“Mr. Faux is waiting for you in here, Miss Banewood”, she said directing me to a single black door, surround by smoke and red curtains. When I turn to look at her again, she's gone. I creep towards the door in wonder of what might lie ahead. I open the door and I am greeted by a puff of smoke, which I cough away quietly. I walk in and see one long wooden table and two dark seats. I walk closer to the table and sit in a table. I look around to find nobody here, but that's when I hear the door close, making me jump with shock. I listen closely and hear nothing, but I'm obviously not alone. My suspicions were confirmed when I see two piercing yellow eyes coming from the corner.
“Hello, Xahila”, I hear the young, sly, but soothing dark voice speak,”I've been waiting for you and I see you defeated Fox One. Shame, he was my favorite.”
“You must be Faux”, I say skeptically.
“Your suspicions are correct. I am indeed Faux”, he said as he moved silently, fox-like, toward the other chair. He comes into the light and I can see his true face. He stands with hair as black as night, skin pale as the moon, his face narrow and lean like a fox, and his eyes deceptive like a wall blocking his emotions from the world, he couldn't be more than seventeen, an uncommon age for such wealth.
“We have business to discuss. I have a job for you”, he said, revealing none of his thoughts.
“That we do. What is you want”, I say ready to pounce on any information I can get.
“I need you to kill someone but it won't be easy”, he said cryptically, playing with a single coin in his fingers,”He is working for my enemy, Lusic, as an assassin trying to kill me”.
“So you want me to take him out before he strikes you, that's easy”, I answer.
“Yes, but you can't kill him normally. My enemy has entered him in The Hunt and I am entering you. You will kill him there so you can stop him from getting the prize in the end and win”, he said with a sly smirk across his face. I stood up immediately.
“I won't do it”, I yelled at him,” You don't want me alive! You want me dead! The Hunt is a fool's tournament”!
He just smirked again,”Sit down. I haven't finished”, I sit down slowly, but still cautious,”If you win, I'll buy you your freedom. No need to kill again. You can move on to the second stage of Life”. I sit in awe. This man is willing to buy my freedom from killing to kill one man and survive The Hunt.
“Who is he? Who do you want me to kill”, I ask with my head down.
I can feel the smirk grow wider across his face and I hear him throw something, I look up and see a black envelop,”Good, I'm glad you're cooperating. Here he is. I'm sure you'll take a lot of pleasure in killing this one”, he said as he left the room quietly like death.
I reach for the envelop, feeling the smooth texture in my hands. I slowly open it and pull out a picture. I start to see brown straight hair, then blue eyes, then I pull out and stop dead in my tracks. Not him, anybody but him. I start shaking, I start to feel my whole world crumble around me. I see the face of my one and only friend, from childhood till now. I see the one who I decide my heart belonged to. I see Xander.....
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Enjoy! Chapter 3 to come soon.