Status: New

The Hunt


Many things are running through my mind at this moment. Is this why he picked me to kill him? Because I was his friend? Did he pick me to kill Xander for his own entertainment? I can't kill Xander but I have to, I already agreed to kill him. I may not have said it but Faux knew what I meant to say.
Now all I do is wait. I must wait for them to come. The Grim, creatures of the Old Forest and the messengers of The Hunt. They come to you when you least expect it and take you to be prepared for The Hunt. They come and take you with no warning, no goodbyes. So every moment you have before The Hunt must be worthwhile because you never know which moment with your loved ones will be your last.
Luckily, I have nobody. Nobody that's always there, nobody to smile and have fun with. Just Xander. Xander is always gone on missions and we haven't spoken for a while. I only wish he knew how I felt.
That's why when they come, I will be ready.
I sit alone in my room, curled by the window, watching for the Grim and trying to sort all the questions in my head that desperately need answers. That is when I hear it. One resonating noise. A knock, a single knock that multiplied as I waited. I walked across my wooden floors to the door and open it. Nothing. I look around and out of the corner of my eye I see a box. Red with a black lace ribbon with my name on it. I walk over silently and scan the area as I pick it up. I take it with me back to my room and sit down at my worn old table with mismatching chairs. I look closer at the box and find a note; I pick it up and read what it said:
“My dear little wolf, I can only tell you that the hardships have only begun and what's inside you will need to get through the first phase. Open it and see what is inside before you continue reading.”
I instantly rip open the box, tearing through the nice paper that covers what lies within. Red. All I see is red silk. As I lift it, I see a long, floor length red gown. Why on earth would I need this for The Hunt?
“For the competitors’ ball in case you’re curious”, I heard someone say. I jumped instantly at the sound, swinging a fist toward the voice but it was caught quickly by a hand. I now see Faux smirking holding my fist like I had never swung at him.
“Now are you going to calm down or are we going to have to fight? I would prefer to talk businesslike but if I have to get dirty, I certainly won’t mind”, he said as he tossed my fist away with a devious grin and I groaned in disgust by his comment.
“In your dreams, you sneaky little weasel. You lied to me”, I said as I tossed the dress in his face and opened the door, “Now, leave my house.”
He moved the dress from his face, revealing an angry expression. No, an annoyed expression. “Now, is that anyway to treat your employer? And after I bought this dress for you. Do you want to break my heart”, he said chuckling.
“You didn’t tell me it was Xander. If I had known, I would have said no”, I said slamming the door since it was clear he wasn’t going to move.
“I’m sure I would have found some way to convince you. I have my ways”, he said as he handed me the dress,” Now, go get dressed we have some work to do before we go to the ball.”
“I’m not going. You tricked me”, I said crossing my arms in front of me.
He started laughing and chuckling,” Oh, but you will be going. You know the oath you took when you entered this type of business. Did you forget the death sentence that comes with going back on that? So you’re going to get dressed and come with me”, Faux said.
I froze in place. I forgot about that. I am not allowed to refuse something I have already agreed to. I said yes by asking who my kill was. I can’t back out now. I have to kill Xander.
I turned to him and snatched the dress from him,” Fine, but I hope you’re disgusted with yourself”.
I hear him chuckle again as I walk into my room. I almost finish getting dressed when I try to tie the back of the dress and keep messing up when I feel someone tying it for me. I look and see Faux finishing tying it.
“Thank you”, I whisper.
“I have no choice but to help if I want you to win. Now, look in the mirror. What I see now is an improvement from what I first saw”, he said as he turned me toward me mirror.
I haven’t looked at myself in a mirror in so long, I could barely recognize myself. I see a thing of elegance, beauty, and wealth, not Xahila. I see a slender, lean woman with a dress of liquid rubies and eyes of burnt emerald. I don’t see myself. I see someone different.
Faux turns me around to let me see the deeply cut back that had a corset like pattern with one strip of silk up my back and tied at the neck. I am still in awe. Who is this? This isn’t me.
“Not bad. Now get on your shoes and come with me. We have to get you ready”, he said as he walked out. I smiled and turned slowly, looking back at the mirror and seeing the girl that I’ll never see again.
I walk outside of the apartment building where I live and see one white car. The horn honked and the window went down. Faux is there yelling,” Get in the car.”
I do as he asks and he instantly starts driving. “Why did you pick me for this”, I ask quietly.
“I trust you enough to get the job done. Plus, you’re a lot cheaper than The Wolf”.
“You knew it was Xander from the beginning and you still wanted me to kill him because you knew my relationship with him”, I reply harshly.
“I hired you because you make less of a statement, get the job done, and I don’t get my hands dirty. Plus, I’ll get a little enjoyment out of your displeasure in this assignment”.
I felt everything stop. He knew everything. I turned toward him at slapped him across the face. He didn’t even flinch.
“Are you done”, he said emotionlessly. The car stopped and he got out, came around, opened the door, and pulled me out by my hand. “Come on. We only have an hour before the ball”, he said as he led me inside this small shop that was filled with trinkets like dolls and windmills. A woman came out and smiled.
“Is this her, Faux? She’s got lovely hair. How long is it”, she asked me. She had bright blond hair and golden hazel eyes that were filled with delight.
“Calm down, Valerie. You don’t have much time to get her ready”, he replied.
She took down my hair and let it fall down to my knees. She smiled wide and took my hand, leading me to a chair where she just gathered my hair and started braiding many small braids.
“I love your hair. It’s such a great contrast to your dress”, she said as she finished a few braids.
“Thank you. My mother never let me cut my hair so I just let grow”, I said as she continued to work.
“Well she was right. It looks amazing long”, she said continued to play with my hair.
It had felt like hours but when she said she was done and I looked in the mirror. Once again, I saw less of myself. I saw one long braid with many braids with in each section. Faux was smiling at me in the mirror as the woman left. He had changed into a bright red tuxedo with a black bow tie. Yet again, he showed his elegance and wealth through his outfits.
“Perfect. You look fantastic. Now, let’s go. We have to hurry. Thanks Valerie”, he said quickly as we rushed out of the shop. I heard a faint, “You’re welcome!” I couldn’t say anything to her while being rushed.
We drove again until we reached a huge building that look just like what used to be The House of White. Long, extravagant are words to barely describe the stature of this beautiful place. I walk with Faux by my side on a path of silver.
“This is to help you get a competitive edge and learn your competition as well as to introduce yourself to the Stage Leaders. So it’s in your best interest that you are on your best behavior”, Faux whispered softly as we walked in. The inside was just as extravagant as the outside. The ceiling is made of crystal and gold. The floor covered in tiles with many paintings of angels and demons and other wonderful pieces of art. The pillars look like pearl and the chandelier was beautiful. It is made of diamonds and crystal. How did I get to this spot?
Faux led me to a table and said sternly,” Don’t talk to anyone unless they talk to you. I’ll be right back with someone”. He ran off quickly. I see many people dancing to the soothing waltz music and sipping on their champagne. I begin to look for him. Xander has to be here. He has to be here. After looking around for a while, I hear someone cough to get my attention.
I turn to see a young, deviously handsome man. He had a purple-reddish hair color and bright purple eyes that shined at me. He was wearing a violet tuxedo with a black bow tie.
“Hello”, he said as he took my hand and kissed it softly,” I saw your beauty from across the room and I couldn’t help myself but come over here”. He let go of my hand and I looked at him again.
“Hello, I’m Xahila”, I said politely, “You are”?
“Cheshire. Cheshire Katzworth”, he replied and bowed,” I know exactly who you are, everyone does. You’re Faux’s girl. I can see why he was bragging about you. You’re gorgeous”.
“Faux’s girl? What do you mean”, I ask confused.
“He’s your fiancé, isn’t he? He’s told everyone here that you are. He said your only entering The Hunt to get out of your life as an assassin so you two can get married”, Cheshire said with a dumbfounded look on his face.
I look at him surprised, which made him move close to me. His face so close to mine,” Unless, he’s lying. Is he? Then it would be an honor to dance with you right now”, he whispered. I moved away from him, and saw Faux coming this way with a guard and another man fast.
“It seems I have to go, but my dance offer still stands”, he said as ran off with a wink. He stopped next to Faux and whispered something, leaving Faux with a worried look on his face but I only saw it for a second then he quickly moved toward me again.
“Xahila, this is the Head of The Hunt. John Wilcox. He is willing to sponsor you for The Hunt, and make sure you’re getting on the right track”, Faux said as he gestured toward a tall man about twenty-five years old with long white shoulder-length hair and hazel brown eyes. He was the definition of extravagance with his sleek black tuxedo and red silk shirt. He was the only man is the room without a brightly colored tuxedo or a tie of any kind. He smiled and bowed respectfully.
“A pleasure to meet you. It would be an honor to sponsor you for The Hunt. It’s going to be a tough competition this year. We have twenty competitors and almost all of them have some sort of fighting back ground. I suggest you use this time at the ball to get to know your competitors but be vague about yourself”, he says in a deep British accent. I smile softly and nodded.
“I think my competitors are smart enough not to give any information that could cost them a win if they are as elite as you say”, I say to him.
“She’s as smart as she is beautiful. I’m jealous Faux. You’re lucky to have such a beautiful fiancé”, John said with a grin on his face.
Faux comes to my side and wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me close,” Don’t get any ideas. I plan on keeping her no matter what”, Faux said to John slyly. I moved Faux’s hand away and smiled at him that said “I’m going to kill you” but to others it looked like a friendly smile.
“Not in public. Don’t want the other competitors know any weaknesses now, do we”, I said to him sweetly and he nodded in agreement.
“If you don’t mind John, I’m going to dance with her for a little while”, Faux said smiling and taking my hand. He lead me to the dance floor quickly to get away from him. He helped me get into a waltz formation then started leading me to the music.
“Why did you tell them we were getting married”, I ask while smiling through my teeth, gripping his hand hard, my nails pressing into his skin. Once again, he didn’t flinch.
“I did it to cover the fact you are here for hire. You can’t get sponsers if you are hired to be here. I mean you could but not in ways I’m sure you would be comfortable with”, he said as we gracefully dance across the floor.
“So you expect me to play along with this? No, I won’t”, I say, losing my happy appearance. He pulled me closer and showed me an evil glare.
‘You will and you’ll make everyone believe it. The betrayal that is sure to happen within The Hunt and the heartbreak. Make it so real that everyone who is watching’s hearts will break as well”, he angrily whispered and we continued to dance.
“Betrayal? And the only heartbreak I’ll have is when I have to kill my best friend”, I whisper back angrily.
Just at that moment the ceiling broke open and the lights went out around us. All we could hear with the cries and screaming of some people running and being slaughtered by some animal. A cat-like creature from the sounds I heard around me.
I am always prepared for everything. I bend down and push away Faux from me as I roll up my dress and tuck it into my thigh holster and take out my glow stick. I break it for light and see some disgusting creature feasting on some woman’s intestines as if she was going to be its very last meal. I felt my stomach churn at the smell of the flesh. I saw the creature with the body and face of a human but the face had been distorted to look like a zombie-like creature with the blood dripping down every crevice of its face and it reeked of rotting flesh. It moved toward me like a leopard and I quickly got out my knife from my holster.
It jumped at me and I quickly brought my foot to its jaw, sending it back a little but it bounced back and I slashed its neck quickly. The blood gushed but it still pounced on me and knocked me on my back. I hand my knife to its neck as it tried to get closer. I pushed so I was on top and pushed the knife in until it went through its neck clean.
It screamed like a banshee as it died. The lights came back on and another was heading toward me with it was stopped in its track by someone shooting it in the head and slicing it clean off its shoulders.
It then became quiet and silent. I saw the man from before, Cheshire standing with a large shotgun and samurai sword.
“I always come prepared for anything”, he said with a wink.
Faux rushed over to me, still playing his act,” Are you ok, darling? Answer me please”. I nodded to him with a smile and he hugged be gently. I could smell the same blood on him. Did he fight one off by himself? Before my question could be answered, the intercom responded to everyone.
“Everyone who came and survived, we welcome to The Hunt with this little reminder that even before The Hunt has begun, your lives are always in danger”….
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I Hope you like it. sorry it took so long.