The Kidnapping

She came

Yay I get to get out of the “hospital” today. Matt came to see me once and that was it. But its fine I understand completely. Zack said that he hates “hospitals.” They bring back bad members. Same here. I haven’t talked to Zack since last night. The doctor cleared me so I can go home now. Yay. I miss my bed. Johnny came to kick me up.

Johnny said “Zack would have come but he thinks your mad at him.”

I said “I’m not mad at him. I’m just….”

Johnny said “Your just what?”

I said “Im just upset with myself.”

The Rev said “Why?”

I said “Because.”

The Rev said “Okay but you will tell me later though. No if ands or buts about it.”

I said “Okay.”

Johnny and The Rev where helping my walk. It hurts to walk. Zacky looked like he has been crying. I feel so horrible. His girlfriend bumped him. Why would some one do that. Just than a girl walked in and kissed Zack. On the fucking lips.

“He has girlfriend?” I said out loud.

Johnny said “Yepp he does.”

That little whore. Im going kill her. Emo comes in handy right about know and so does have psychotic family with mask curl killers. I love the family business.

The Rev said “Heyy where is Shadows?”

I said “Cock blocking much why don’t ya.”

They both jumped and Zack said “I don’t know. Why?”

The Rev said “For resounds.”

Zack said “And what are these resounds?”

The Rev said “That’s for me to know and you to never find.”

Zacky said “Okay than. I think he went up stairs.”

The girl said “Yeah he did. He went into his office.”

Zack said “Hey guys I would like you to meet Kristie.”

They all said hi. I didn’t say anything. I was pissed.”

Kristie said “Hi your Johnny and The Rev.”

They both nodded.

I said “Im scarlet by the way. Like anyone cares. I must be invisible when a girl that’s sexier than me comes in huh?”

The Rev said “Huh yea whatever.”

I said “Im going upstairs and going to sleep.”

Johnny said “Yepp sure whateva.”

Kristie said “Nice to meet you.”

I said “Yepp.”

Zack said “Didn’t you just wake up.”

I said “Yepp.”

He said “Then why are you going back to sleep.”

I said “Because its better than what I might do if I stay down here.”

It sounded like I was starting to cry.

Kristie said “That’s the one how is fucked up in the head and suicidal and shit. I feel really bad for her.”

I stopped walking.

I turned around and said “No don’t feel sorry for me. Yes I may be psychotic and suicidal but that don’t mean you need to feel one bit of once of sorry of me. Its my problem not yours so don’t feel bad. Do you understand me.”

Kristie said “ Im sorry but its not right the way your family treats you.”

I said “You don’t know how they treat me. My mom loves me and cares for me. Just because they haven’t pay to get back doesn’t mean they don’t love me. My dad will pay for me. And I will get to go home. It will be better than being here.”

Kristie said “How they beat you.”

I said “ So do they. My dad may hit me and other stuff but I don’t care I want to go home. Now.”

Kristie said “Really? is that all he did to you.”

I looked at everyone.”

She said “Tell everyone. Now.”

“ He raped and touched me inoperative ways.” I shouted.

She said “NO he did not.”

I said “Yes he did. God how the hell would you know if he did or not do to me.”

She walked around me and pushed my hair and said “Now sweetie I now everything that goes on in that house and that didn’t go on.”

I said “Oh my god. It couldn’t be you.”

She said “Yepp and in the flash.”

I said “I thought my mom fired you and now your spying on use. Creeper much.”

She said “Actually your dad keep me around for other necessary resounds.”

I said “Ewwww gross your so old.”

She said “No im not old my 23.”

I said “To me your old like 56 old hahaha.”

She said “Shut up im not that old. Now lets go.”

I said “Where are we going. Are we going to go get you Lipo?”

Matt said “Hahaha. I didn’t know you had jokes. Im starting to like you a little more each day you stay.”

Kristie said “No. Im going to take you home now lets go.”

She grabbed my wrist. She pulled me and I tried not to move.

Zack said “Let go of over her now.”

She said “ Hun I wish I could. Wait I don’t wish.”

She started to walk again. I got my arm out.

I said “Hey Kristie.”

She turned around and I punched her in the noise.

I said “That’s of all the abuse you did to me.”

She screamed “My noise. You little bitch I think you broke it.”

I laughed and said “Hey now you can get that noise job you always wanted. Hahaha.”

She said “ Shut up. You are going to pay for this.”

I said “Hahahaha. You always say that.”

She got mad and walked out. I just laughed. I turned around and headed up stairs still laughing. Yo I cant believe she said that shit. She is so stupid. I climbed into bed and went to sleep.
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