The Kidnapping

Flash Back

::Flash Back::
I was a warm summer day. I just got done playing football with my cousins and Tom. A kid I had a crush on since 6th grade. We all went up the patio. My uncle Fred was cooking food on the grill. The smell of the steak cooking on the grill. It smelled so damn good.

I said “ Uncle Fred when will the steaks be done im hungry hahaha.”

Uncle Fred laughs and says “ Yeah Hun in a few minutes.”

I said “ Yay I get to have some of uncle Fred’s home style steak”

I was spinning and twirling around sing “I get to have some of uncle Fred’s home style steak.”

Everyone was laughing at me. We where all having a good time. Until I seen Vengeance, Shadows, Synyster, The Rev and Christ. They where all dressed in complete black. Shadows polled out a damp cloth and shoved it in my face. Next thing I knew everything when dark. I woke up in a dark room my hands and feet where tied. I tried to scream. But something was over my mouth. I was crying. The lights went on and Shadows stared walking toward me.

Shadow said “ You have been a really bad girl. Fighting with your mom and me. Getting in trouble at school.”

He ran his hand down me. I shook my head.

I tried to say “No please don’t daddy don’t I love you.”

He said “Shhhh baby girl don’t cry. You did this to your self. I thought you would learn by now. How long has this been going on? Since you where 6 years old. Right”

I shook my head yes.

He said “Yes What? I cant hear you sweetheart.”

He ran the tip of the knife down my side. He took the thing from around my mouth. I screamed. He covered my mouth with his hand.

He said “If you do that again I will cut your throat out.”

I shook my head yes again.

He said “I hate hurting such a pretty little girl like you baby girl. But you keep doing this to yourself.”

He grabbed my face and kissed me on my lips. When he stop kissing me I spit in his damn face.

He said “You should’ve never have done that you little bitch.”

He took the blade and ran it from my ribs to my hips on the right side. I screamed in pain. He just laughed. Cussing other peoples makes him happy.

I said “Why are you doing this? Your suppose to be my dad? Fathers don’t do this to there kids.”

He said “ Well sweet heart that’s the thing Im a very sick and twisted person. Now lets play a game.”

He went over and uncovered the body that was next to me.

I said “No I don’t want to play this stupid game.”

He said “Yes you do and your going to play the damn game.”

I said “Kill me, Kill me now”

He was getting really mad.

He said “Fuck it”

He slit the girl’s throat. I screamed. He came over and punched me and everything went black.
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i will exsplan her flash back and her oth er medical conditiions in the next chapter.......your comments and suggestion arre always welcome :)