The Giant Wedding

Half an Hour Later

Rabia, Kaikoura, Legolas, Arwen and Midna were all rushing to finish getting ready. Sheik, Ganondorf and Aragorn were sitting in the other room watching MTV CRIBS when the doorbell rang. Rabia rushed over to answer the door while Kaikoura was jumping up and down trying to get her pants on. Arwen was, of course, ready to go and Midna was almost done.
“Nice my little pony underwear Kaikoura.” Aragorn complimented sincerely.
“Shut up Aragorn! Don’t talk about my underwear!” she said, tripping over her half on pants to try and grab her shoes. Ganondorf ignored the girls rushing around him to grab things, but Sheik looked confused.
“Do you guys need any help?” he asked. Rabia pulled on her shoes and grabbed her purse.
“You could help Kaikoura get her pants on.” she suggested, standing near the door with Arwen, Midna, Legolas and Zelda. They were all waiting for Kaikoura who was still trying to put on her very skinny skinny jeans. Sheik hesitated and then walked over to help her while she tried to put her shoes on. He helped her get her pants on and she quickly ran over to the door with her friends.
“Thanks Sheik!” she called as they ran outside. The door slammed shut behind them. A grin started to form on Aragorn’s face.
“What? Why are you grinning? Why the hell are you even HAPPY?” Ganondorf asked sourly.
“Our best men are coming over to take us out partying.” Aragorn said, grinning wider.
“Oh Din, the giant eye...” Ganondorf groaned. “Oh well. He’s okay except for his nasty ass contacts I suppose...” He sighed.
“Wait, so Link is coming over? Good, I need someone to hang out with...” Sheik said.
“Awe, you can hang out with ME, Sheik!” Aragorn said, patting Sheik on the back and knocking him to the ground. “Oops, sorry.”
“Yeah, that’s alright...” Sheik replied, getting up off the ground. The doorbell rang and the three men stepped outside to greet their friends.
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