The Giant Wedding

The Next Morning

Kaikoura rolled out of bed that morning with a huge grin on her face. She had FINALLY gotten the sleep she needed and was in a good mood. Legolas woke with a soft groan, and stretched then sat up. Kaikoura, Legolas and Rabia had been sleeping on the floor of Kaikoura’s apartment. Legolas stretched and pulled a man thong out of his shirt.
“That was quite a night last night.” he said. Kaikoura nodded.
“Luckily we were smart enough not to get drunk.” she laughed.
“Oh, elves have to drink a LOT to get drunk.” he said, standing up and offering Kaikoura a hand. “I’m going to go make breakfast. You should wake up Rabia. She’ll be mad if she sleeps in.” he said walking out of the room. Kaikoura poked the blanket that she assumed contained Rabia a few times.
“Rabia wake uuuup.” she said. “It’s like, 7:30. You should be awake...” she pulled the blanket off of the sleeping person and found Sheik lying on the floor. “Huh.” She said, scratching her head. She walked into the kitchen where Legolas was cooking. “Legolas, that was Sheik sleeping there. Where are Aragorn, Rabia and Ganondorf?” she asked. He shrugged.
“I’m pretty sure I heard someone taking a shower this morning.” he said, cutting up some fruit.
“Okay, I’ll go look.” Kaikoura walked down the hall and knocked on the bathroom door.
“It’s unlocked!” Rabia said.
“Oh good I have to pee anyways.” Kaikoura replied, wandering into the bathroom. Rabia was wrapped up in a towel, trying to do her hair. “Oh! There you are. I thought the person who was still asleep out there was you, but it was actually Sheik. How long have you been up?” she asked over the sound of her peeing.
“I’ve been up for about an hour. I got in the shower right after I got out of bed.” she shrugged.
“ takes you an hour to shower?”
“Yeah... I have a lot of hair don’t judge me!” she said, combing the very ends of her hair to get the tiny knots out. The door opened up and Ganondorf walked in. He paused and blinked, not sure how to react to what he was seeing -- Kaikoura on the toilet, Rabia in a towel... This was all a little shocking for him. Well, not really. He just continued blinking, backed out of the bathroom, and shut the door quietly.
“....Sorry,” he called through the door for a second time. “I’ll just go pee on your plants...”
“Hey! I heard that!” Kaikoura cried. She thought for a moment. “Actually, I think that’s good for them, so go ahead.” Rabia laughed a little and walked out of the bathroom.
“I give up on my hair.” she said, closing the door for Kaikoura and walking straight into Ganondorf. “Ah shit! Whoa you’re still there. Well... uh... go pee on Kaikoura’s plants or something.” she ducked around him and went into Kaikoura’s room to change. Ganondorf walked into the kitchen where Legolas was humming and cutting up fruit, and began peeing on the plants. Rabia walked into the hallway, fully dressed this time, and almost got hit in the face by the bathroom door as Kaikoura exited. They glanced at each other and walked into the living room to find Aragorn.
They felt incredibly stupid when they saw him lying on the couch. He was freshly shaved and ready for the morning. Everyone was dressed except Kaikoura, Ganondorf and Legolas. Legolas pranced in carrying two large plates of pancakes and fruit. He gracefully darted around Sheik and gave both Kaikoura and Aragorn a plate of pancakes with syrup and whipcream. They thanked him and he pranced back out of the living room. Rabia crouched down on the floor and woke up Sheik, who yawned and stretched like a cat. Legolas came running back in with his breakfast as well, and he joined Aragorn and Kaikoura for some morning breakfast chatter.
Rabia walked back into the kitchen and looked at the to do list on the refrigerator. Today she was having Zelda bring all the wedding stuff over to the reception hall because she had the largest... car thing while she went to a nail appointment with Kaikoura and Legolas. Tonight they also had the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. Rabia was thankful that it would be at least mostly small with just the wedding party and immediate family, but that was still a lot of people. She sighed and set the list down, then noticed Ganondorf was staring at her.
“...What? You’re kind of creeping me out.” she said.
“You looked... thinky.” he shrugged, sitting down at the table across from her and picking up a newspaper.
“Okay? …Nice pajama pants by the way.” she snickered at the dog covered pants he was wearing.
“... shut the fuck up.” he grumbled crankily. “I don’t OWN pajama pants... so I stole some from Zant.” Rabia just laughed harder at that and he set the newspaper down. “What is so fucking funny?”
“Zant wears DOGGY PAJAMA PANTS!” she laughed, holding her sides and wiping a tear from her eye. “That... that is PERFECT.”
“If you say so.” he shrugged. Legolas sat down at the table with his own breakfast, an orange and some yogurt, and started munching away happily.
“But seriously, you really shouldn’t wear doggy pajamas. that’s just weird.” Rabia said, putting the list back up on the refrigerator.
“You’re just weird, so how about you get over it?” he snapped, flipping a page in the newspaper.
“Well someone isn’t a morning person...” Rabia said, opening the refrigerator and pulling out some apple juice. He glared at her but didn’t reply. Kaikoura, Sheik and Aragorn all wandered in and rinsed off their dishes, then plopped down at the table.
“So what are we doing today?” Kaikoura asked.
“Well, Zelda is bringing all the wedding stuff to the reception hall while we go to our nail appointment.” Rabia replied, stretching. There was a knock on the door and Rabia went to answer it. “Oh, hey Zelda.” she said. Zelda walked in looking like a zombie.
“I drank too much last night...” she said, holding her head.
“Yeah, we know.” Ganondorf, unable to help himself, started laughing his naturally evil-sounding laugh. She covered her ears and grimaced.
“Shhhhh!” she said. “You’re laughing is so boomingly huge...”
“Is that a word?” he asked, setting the newspaper down. She shrugged, rubbing her temples, and sat at the table next to Rabia.
“It’s okay Zelda, it’ll go away eventually,” she said. Zelda slowly nodded, her head still throbbing like crazy. Kaikoura offered her some advil which she gladly accepted. “Anyways, I’ll start bringing the stuff to your... caaaaar...t....” she said slowly. “You can still bring it over right?”
“Yeah, I can bring it over.”
“... Ganondorf, Sheik, Aragorn, bring the stuff that’s on Kaikoura’s bed to Zelda’s thingy, please...” she asked, patting Zelda on the back.
“Hey, you still look hot! …. Well, not really, but....” Kaikoura started.
“Hey, I look wayyyy better than you do in the morning, so you just shush,” Zelda snapped.
“Well then!” Kaikoura said, walking back into the living room to get her drink..
“Ugh, thankfully Midna’s not here -- she would look even hotter than usual with me in my current state..” she said, head resting on her arm on the table. She winced and held her head as the men walked past her carrying the boxes that needed to be dropped off. Rabia ran in front of them to hold the door open so they would be as quiet as possible. Of course as soon as Ganondorf noticed Zelda’s pain, he started laughing again, so Rabia shoved him out the door quickly.
“Thanks for your help Zelda. You’re the best.” Zelda just nodded in response and continued to lay there. When the guys reentered, Zelda decided to leave to avoid the pain of Ganondorf’s evil laughter.
“I’ll go drop this stuff off right now, and I’ll see you later at the rehearsal dinner. My headache should be gone by then, so I’ll see you guys later.” she said, walking out the door.
“Well... It’s only 9... what should we do?” Rabia asked, looking at her friends.
“... lets play Just Pants!” Legolas said enthusiastically.
“Oh goodness....” Sheik said as Rabia put the game in the wii and handed out wiimotes.
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