The Giant Wedding

After the Wedding Rehearsal

The group of friends walked back into Kaikoura’s house in somewhat good moods.
“Who wants to watch a movie?” Kaikoura asked, walking into her living room. Everyone agreed and sat down on the multiple couches, mostly next to their significant others. Rabia, Ganondorf, Sheik and Kaikoura shared a couch, and Legolas and Aragorn sat on one of the love seats. Midna sat in a chair and Zelda and Arwen shared the other love seat. “What movie should we watch? I have The Lion King, The Little Mermaid, Mulan, Harry Potter, The Notebook, Sweeney Todd, Insidious, Evil Dead, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Dead Silence and Twilight. Why the hell do I own Twilight?!”
“How about... something that isn’t fucking retarded.” Ganondorf said.
“Well I think Twilight was already ruled out, Ganon.” Rabia said. “I vote the Lion King...”
“I vote the Lion King or Chamber of Secrets!” Kaikoura said.
“... anything scary. Are either of those scary?” Ganondorf said.
“Well, yeah! Scar is scary, and Mufasa dies!” Kaikoura said.
“... that sounds stupid. No.” Ganondorf said.
“Chamber of Secrets is kinda scary. Ginny is almost killed and so is Harry and Voldemort is there being all evil!” Rabia said.
“That’s closer... but no.”
“But.... but.... IT’S HARRY FUCKING POTTER!” Rabia yelled, crossing her arms.
“So? What are the scariest ones you own Kaikoura?” Ganondorf asked. “Though I doubt any of them are ACTUALLY scary.”
“Um, Insidious and Dead Silence. But why do we have to watch a SCARY movie? That’s not fun.” Kaikoura said.
“Insidious.” he said.
“But what about the Little Mermaid?” Zelda asked. “That sounds cute.”
“We’re watching Insidious.” Ganondorf said.
“Ugh, fine.” she replied, pouting. Before Kaikoura could put the DVD in, the doorbell rang.
“IIIIIIIII’ll get itttt!” Zelda sang loudly. She opened the front door to see Link, Sauron, Elladan and Elrohir waiting outside.
“Heyyy Zelda!” Link said. He gave her a hug and she hugged him back.
“Uhh, Link, you can let go now,” she said after a while.
“Oh, right, sorry,” he said. He let go. They all entered the apartment and sat on the living room floor. Kaikoura tossed them some blankets to sit on, turned the lights off and started the movie. The moment the mom in the movie started looking at old photos, which wasn’t scary at all, Zelda screamed.
“This is too much! I’m scared! she cried. Ganondorf rolled his eyes.
“Zelda, don’t worry! I’m here!” Link said.
“Great, now we’re all saved,” Ganondorf said. Link ignored him and pulled Zelda over to him and hugged her. He rolled his eyes again.
“Zelda, if you ruin this movie for me, I WILL kill you!” Kaikoura said, eating the day-old popcorn sitting on the table.
“Kaikoura, don’t eat that!” Rabia said, hitting her hand. “I’ll make some more!” And so they paused the movie and she made some more. “There ya go,” she said, handing Kaikoura the bowl.
“Thanks! But now I’m going to be thirsty... Ganondorf, could you summon a slave to get me a drink?” she said.
“Psh, no. Why would I do that? You’re like ten feet from your fridge... Maybe!” He took some popcorn and ate it.
“Fine then!” She got up to get herself a drink.
“Oh, and while you’re up you should get me one too,” Ganondorf said.
“Yeah, me too,” Zelda called to her.
“Ughhhhh, you guys are annoying,” she muttered. Once she came back with drinks for everyone who asked, she played the movie again. Zelda immediately starting hugging Link again and everyone fell into a comfortable silence for a time. In the scene when the mom is playing piano and listens to the baby monitor, Zelda hid her face, Kaikoura jumped, and Rabia bit her lip nervously.
“This is so scary!” Zelda yelled as the baby started screaming. Ganondorf again just rolled his eyes and ate some popcorn. The mom ran into the room but there was nothing there. Again the group of friends fell into a silence watching the movie, though the girls (minus Midna) and Sheik did so somewhat nervously. The mom started talking about a dream she had and how she could still hear a voice, when suddenly a red face shows up behind the man she is talking to.
“HOLY SHIT!” Kaikoura yelled, jumping and clinging to Sheik. Zelda was crying into Link’s shoulder and Rabia had gotten awkwardly close to Ganondorf. Arwen jumped, now alone in her love seat.
“Midna you should come sit with me...” she said. Midna moved over to sit next to Arwen and everyone turned their attention back to the scary ass movie. A while later, in the scene where the mom is taking the trash out and her record player starts playing a different song, Zelda jumped before the “scary” part even happened.
“OH DEAR NAYRU, LISTEN TO THAT CREEPY SONG!” she shouted, clinging to Link even more than before. Then, they saw the boy with the hat dancing and she screamed.
“Zelda, would you STOP THAT!” Ganondorf said, glaring at her.
“I’m sorry, it’s just SOOOO FREAKY!” Then, after the mom runs inside looking for the boy and she opens a cupboard to find him in there, Zelda screamed again. This time, nearly knocking Link into Sauron.
“Zelda, if you scream one more friggen time, I’m going to cut you,” Ganondorf said angrily.
“You’re the one who wanted to see a scary movie!” she cried. They remained silent until another scary scene came on... The scene where the dad goes to find his son in a dream or whatever. He walked into a dark version of his old house, and there was a family sitting there with big freaky smiles on their face. They looked like dolls, but once he looks closely at one of them, it blinks. He gets freaked out and runs up the stares and another person whose smiling crazily shoots the family. Zelda covered her mouth to muffle her scream, and Rabia jumped again and was so close to Ganondorf she was almost sitting on him. Then, when the dad turns around to run but looks back and the family is all standing and smiling at him, Zelda started screaming so loudly that everyone had to cover their ears.
“ZELDA!” Ganondorf said, throwing the bowl of popcorn at her to shut her up. “Stop screaming! It’s not even scary!”
“YES IT IS!” she cried, hiding her face in Link’s shoulder and sobbing.
“Ganondorf, stop yelling at the princess! It’s not her fault it’s a scary movie!” Link said.
“Just shut up!” Ganondorf threw his drink at Link and before he could respond, Kaikoura shushed them all -- staring intently at the screen. A minute or so later, when he finds his son in the red room and suddenly the man with the red face is behind him, Zelda of course screamed again. Rabia jumped and squeaked, now sitting entirely on Ganondorf. There was a silence until the end of the movie, at which Zelda screamed louder than she had ever screamed probably in her entire life.
“ZELDA, STOP!” Midna yelled, getting annoyed with her constant crying.
“That’s it, I’m gonna kill her,” Ganondorf said, but before he could, the very end made her scream and cry again when the old lady showed up. Then the movie was over. Kaikoura stood up and turned the light on, glaring at Zelda.
“Good job RUINING the MOVIE.” she snapped, crossing her arms. Zelda was crying into Link’s shoulder, and Link was hushing her.
“Don’t get mad at her! It was a scary movie.” Link said. Ganondorf rolled his eyes at them.
“It wasn’t that scary.” Aragorn said. “I’ve done worse.” he said. Legolas nodded in agreement.
“I’m thirsty.” Sheik said, standing up to get a drink. He cautiously walked into the kitchen, hoping nothing would jump out of nowhere. He returned just as cautiously with a drink in hand and sat back down on the couch.
“So can I kill Zelda now?” Ganondorf asked. Rabia shook her head. Arwen had fallen asleep on the loveseat with her head in Midna’s lap. “I have to pee.” Ganondorf said, yawning and pushing Rabia off of him.
“Damn it you were warm.” she grumbled, hogging three of the four seats on the strangely large couch. Ganondorf ignored her and walked down the hallway.
“Wait!” Link called, running in front of Ganondorf and blocking his path.
“Oh what NOW?” he said annoyed.
“I need to pee first, hold on,” Link said, shutting the door behind him. Ganondorf looked like he was about to hurt someone -- which he probably was.
“That’s it.. I’m getting revenge...” he mumbled, taking out his phone and opening the internet.
“Oh jeez, what are you thinking Ganondorf?” Rabia said, trying to see what he was doing.
“You’ll see...” He turned the volume up as high as it could go and put his phone right next to the door... blasting the red guy’s creepy tune from the movie. Suddenly, Link came sprinting out of the bathroom screaming. Ganondorf laughed his booming, evil laugh and went into the bathroom, shutting the door. Link had jumped over Kaikoura and was now half sitting on her and Sheik, gripping his shoulders in fear.
“SHEIK!!! DID YOU HEAR THAT?! HE’S HERE!!!” he shouted in Sheik’s face. Sheik just blinked and patted Link on the shoulder.
“Link... that was just music. He’s not really here. Calm down.” He said, pulling Link into a bro hug.
“WHAT IF HE IIIIIIS?” Link cried as Ganondorf walked back in. Ganondorf started to laugh at Link and sat back down next to Rabia.
“You’re being ridiculous.” Sheik replied, gently nudging Link off of him and Kaikoura. Zelda pounced on Link and clung to him for dear life.
“I’m scared, Link!” she wailed. He scooped her up and walked over to the blankets piled on the floor serving as seats and snuggled with her.
“D’awww!” Rabia said giggling and leaning up against Ganondorf.
“... What the fuck are you doing?” he asked.
“I am being sleepy,” she said, “and you are really, really warm. So now you’re my pillow.”
“...I don’t CUDDLE.” he snapped.
“Who said anything about cuddling? I’m just leaning on you. But if you would like to cuddle we can.” she said, snuggling up against him. He grumbled but cuddled with her anyway.
“Awe!” Link said with a grin. Ganondorf glared at him.
“I WILL kill you Link.” Link stuck his tongue out at him and Ganondorf sighed.
“Lets have a cuddle fest!” Kaikoura said snuggling up to Sheik, who blushed but wrapped an arm around her anyway. Legolas and Aragorn were already cuddling, and Arwen and Midna had fallen asleep together on the love seat. After everyone snuggled up together, the only person who didn’t have a cuddle partner was poor Sauron. Of course it could’ve had something to do with the fact that he was a flaming eye, but he accepted that. Everyone slowly started falling asleep.
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