The Giant Wedding

Wedding Day

“Guys! Guys wake up! We’re going to be late.” Rabia said, shaking Kaikoura and nudging Legolas. Unfortunately, the only person who woke up was Ganondorf, who opened an eye and glared at her a little.
“Can you be quiet? I’m trying to sleep.”
“Sorry Ganon. I just don’t want us to be late to our hair appointment.” Rabia said.
“Just be quiet.” he said, closing his eyes again. Rabia shook Kaikoura again. She woke up and glared at Rabia.
“What do you waaaaant?” she said.
“I want you to wake up, shower, and get dressed so we can go to our hair appointment today.” Rabia said, pulling her up off of Sheik and pushing her into the bathroom. She then woke up Legolas and told him to get in the shower as soon as Kaikoura was out. Legolas sat up and stretched.
“Good morning.” he said.
“Morning. I’m going to go make breakfast.” Rabia said, walking into the kitchen. Legolas followed her into the kitchen and watched as she made blueberry muffins. Kaikoura walked back into the kitchen and sat down at the table with some juice and yawned.
“Why the hell did you have to wake me up?” Kaikoura asked tiredly as Ganondorf walked in. “AH!” Kaikoura covered her eyes. “Why are you only wearing boxers? What the hell is going oooon?” She said. Rabia put the muffins in the oven and patted Kaikoura on the back.
“Everything is going to be okay, I promise.” she said chuckling. Everyone else had also begun stirring as Rabia peeled and cut some fruit. Ganondorf sat down at the table and flipped through the newspaper. Kaikoura shuddered at his half-nakedness and set her head down on the table.
“Meh... I’m hungry.” she whined. Ganondorf sighed and smacked Kaikoura over the head with his newspaper. “Ow!” she wailed, batting the paper away.
“Ganondorf, be nice to Kaikoura. Kaikoura, don’t whine.” Rabia said, pulling the muffins out of the oven.
“Yes, mom.” Kakoura replied crankily. Rabia threw a muffin at her which Kaikoura gladly started eating. Rabia brought one over for Ganondorf and started eating her own. “Oh so you throw one at my HEAD, but you bring a muffin to Ganondorf? LAME.” she said as Rabia sat down next to him.
“Well he didn’t give me attitude.” Rabia said sticking her tongue out. Ganondorf flipped to another page in the newspaper. Sheik came over to the table and took a muffin.
“Ummm, SHEIK, I was going to take that muffin!” Zelda said, taking it from his hands.
“Okay...? I’ll just get another one,” he said, reaching for a different one.
“SHEIK! That was going to be Link’s!” she said. He glared at her and took a piece of an orange.
“Fine -- I hope this wasn’t yours,” he said sarcastically as he walked back to the table and sat on Kaikoura’s other side.
“So,” Zelda said. “Who wants me to do their hair for the wedding?!” Nobody answered or responded ; everyone just continued eating. “....Fine! Who wants to do MY hair?” Again, no response. “What the hell, guys!” She stomped into the bathroom. Everyone shrugged and finished their breakfast, then Rabia, Legolas and Kaikoura went to their hair appointment.
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