The Only Real Control We Have is Over Ourselves

I liked to think I was a good best friend.

POV: Rebecca.

I woke up the next morning, my eyes were red, and they burned from the crying last night. Andy laid beside me, and had his arms wrapped around me, like he did every morning. I lifted my head off his chest and noticed he had black smudges on his chest from me wiping my eyes on his shirt last night. I cuddled into Andy as he held me closer. Last night had been an emotional night for me, Andy, Ashlee, and Lou. Our cuddles were interrupted by Dave, who called us over sounding concerned.
We hopped out of bed to see what was up, and Dave pointed at the email he had opened on his laptop. "Look.." he said.
The writing on the screen said:
Dear Official Warped Tour employees, bands, tour managers, and others involved with Vans Warped Tour 2011,
We would just like to inform everybody that Asking Alexandria will be taking two to three weeks off of Warped Tour. Danny Worsonp, singer and screamer of the band has been hospitalized, for a broken nose, and a minor concussion. This means, guests from over seas, You Me At Six will be taking their place for the time being.
Everybody be as welcoming as possible, and make the guys in You Me At Six feel like part of our Warped family!
Thanks for reading.
Yours Truly, Management."
The email was written in large, bold, red letters. Danny probably hadn't even remembered who hit him, or what happened. Ashlee was standing behind us, with her hands over her mouth, and Lou holding her from behind, she was in complete shock.
we were in deep shit if Danny knew it was Andy who got him hospitalized, but one thing was for sure, Andy taught him a lesson, one he wasn't going to forget.


A week and a half later, and we had been spending almost all of our spare time with Woe, Is Me, Of Mice&Men, and You Me at Six every once and a while. It felt so nice to finally be free of drama, and Danny. Recently Lou and Ashlee had been drifting apart, some nights me and Ashlee would sit in her bunk, and she would vent and cry, and I'd listen. I liked to think I was a good best friend, always there to offer advice, and help out, but I never forced her to talk, I think Ashlee liked this about me, and she was the same for me. Today was different, I sat under our tent with Andy for most of the day, fans would come ask us for pictures, and some of them even insisted for me to be in the picture too. The guys had no signing today, and they played their usual 45 minute set at 5 today. When the set was finished, everyone headed back to the bus to hang out.

Later that night we had a visitor, Craig Owens, from D.R.U.G.S. He brought over a few beers, and told us it was their first day on the tour. We caught up, it had been a while since we'd seen Craig, and he was a fun guy, and a good friend. We told him what had happened with Danny, and he agreed that Danny could be a huge ass hole. Craig was a trust worthy guy, he was easy to get along with.


POV: Lou.

"Ashlee, what the fuck are you so scared of?" I shouted, regretting yelling at her almost right away.
She had her fingers tangled in her hair as she paced around in circles out side of the bus everyone was having fun in.
"Everything, Lou."
"Elaborate a little? I think you owe me that."
She was starting to cry, "I'm scared of getting attached, and that's what's happening." now she was crying hard.
"Ashlee come here.." I pleaded.
"Lou, I can't get attached to people like this. Everyone leaves, soon you will too."
"Ash, baby, I won't leave you.. ever." This was a promise. I would never leave her, I loved her too much.
Why did she have to do this.
She wasn't answering, she had her face hidden in her hands.
"Ashlee, please? I love you. I love you so much. A part of me dies, whenever you get like this. I can't stand to see you like this. I can't. You're my everything Ash.." Now I was hugging her. I wouldn't let go until she was okay. "I'm not giving up on you Ash, not now, not tomorrow, not next week, next month, next year, not ever. You're the best thing in my life. Don't do this to me."
She was hugging me back now, "I love you too. Don't hate me."
I pulled her closer. "Never."
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