You're Not Alone


A/N: ANOTHER ONE, KYLIE?? REALLY? Yes, really :) This in no way means I'm not going to update SAYW and YNI, I just had a dream which I'm basing this one and I need to get it out. It will probably take last priority compared to those two. Also, this does not mean that I no longer stay for James. I STAY FOR JAMES FOREVER AND ALWAYS. Kendall is just my confliction right now. It's Halston. I really do not like her (sorry, don't want to offend anyone, and I'm NOT saying that JUST because she's dating James. I happen to know about her too, thanks) and just seeing James with her tears me apart and makes me cry and makes me want to rip my hair out and diminishes my motivation for my James stories now that I know he's not single. Kendall being single makes it MUCH easier to write, knowing I'm not adultering (HA!) but I DO NOT STAY FOR KENDALL. I STILL STAY FOR JAMES. This may be hard on me... Okay. Now that all of that is out of the way... ENJOY!

And sorry I don't have a banner for this one yet :( I'll try to make it soon.


1996. First Grade.

As an elementary kid, I was popular. Of course, that all changed when my mom pulled me out after 2nd grade to homeschool until middle school, and then stuck me in a private school where I knew no one and no one knew me; anyway, by then I was going through my “punk rock phase”—my mother's words, not mine—and even if I had gone back to a public school in Wichita, Kansas, I wouldn't have fit in anymore as young-me had.

But in first grade, I was second in command to the Queen Bee, Cameila—the type of girl who would be on that Toddlers and Tiaras show if we'd had it back then. There were really only a select few people we were mean to—in a little kid way of course—or made fun of, and now looking back, there's only one of those people that I remember, the only one I regretted—because things might be different now if I had just said no to Camelia and the other divas and stuck up for this person: my best friend.

My best friend in was Kendall Francis Schmidt (I never could pronounce his last name when I was a little kid). We had known each other practically since birth—he was exactly a month older than me, and our moms were those best friends who were pregnant together.

Before grade school, being best friends was fine, but once in kindergarten we had to be secret best friends or everyone would think we were getting cooties from the other. Not being friends was not an option, since my mom dragged me to his house nearly every day so she could talk to his mom, Kathy. I never really got along with his older brothers Kenneth and Kevin; they thought they were too good for a girl, even Kevin, who is only 2 years older than Kendall.

So every day, even in secret, we were still Kendork and Belly, the superhero and the spy (I was originally a superhero too. But then I went through a spy phase, and I thought they were much cooler. Plus, I wanted to change our games up a little, since both of us being superheroes was boring, especially when Kenneth and Kevin wouldn't even be the villain). I called him Kendork in the most endearing way, and likewise with him calling me Belly, no matter how much I hated the nickname.

Until one day Camelia Bates decided to take me under her wing and turn me into a Barbie-playing clone girly girl.

Then he became Kendork in the worst way, a real dork. Even though I still thought he was amazing—we were both 5 at this point, and he had just started taking up singing, and he wasn't actually bad at it. Plus, he was absolutely adorable as a little kid with bright blonde hair, dimples, and permanently rosy cheeks. He wasn't actually dorky or weird at all, so I don't know what made Camelia decide he should get picked on; maybe she knew about our secret friendship and wanted me all for herself, or maybe she secretly had a crush on him or something; most girls in our grade did. I'll never know.

And all the mini-bullying never really got to me, because Camelia always did everything and I just stood there. But one day, when going to the back of the classroom to play with the fake plastic ovens and other kitchen toys, I didn't see Kendall sitting on the floor playing with the big foam puzzles. I nearly tripped over him. Camelia shot me a look, and I knew it was up to me this time or I'd end up on the other end like him for the rest of my life.

“Watch it, Kendork,” I squealed. My mini-entourage behind me placed their hands on their hips.

Kendall looked up at me with those sparkling green eyes. “You bumped into me, Belly,” he said calmly. He used my nickname in the same sweet way he always had, not the menacing way I had changed his to.

I hated him for that, for calling me Belly in front of my friends. My name is Arabella, and back then all the little girls held me on a pedestal for that because my name was so beautiful and amazing, and that meant I was just like Arabella the Ballerina Princess that we all had the spinning dolls and VHS movies of.

I thought my friends would laugh at the 'Belly' thing. But instead, Camelia finally stepped out in front of me. “Don't talk to her like that.”

I didn't want to see this. I didn't want this to happen. Kendall wasn't even looking at her though, he was staring at me, very very sadly. “You don't scare me, Chameleon,” he said, green eyes still trained on me.

I didn't want this anymore. “Kitchen is lame. I'm hungry, guys,” I said, grabbing Camelia's hand and walking away.

After that I tried to avoid Kendall Schmidt as much as possible. It wasn't very hard, because he had plenty of other friends and moved on nicely. Even when my mom went to his house, I made her drop me off at Camelia's. She was happy enough about that: she always tried to make me the robot girly girl, and she was glad I finally had female friends. And then, about a month later, before the end of that year, even before his 6th birthday, he moved to California. To act, my mom told me; his older brothers were actors, and he wanted to be one too. At least now I didn't have to work at avoiding him in 2nd grade too. So I never saw Kendall Francis Schmidt again.

Until earlier this year on the tv.