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Running to the Crypt

Chapter 2 Last Dance Of Our Lives?

Danny and Duncan had one last little bit of business to attend to…
The Valentine’s Day dance was that evening, a couple hours away…

When they started to try and figure out what to do, they were paid a visit from an old ‘friend’ of Danny’s…Kano.

Kano was a good guy…but Kano DID have a bit of a brutal side…
His crest was Danny’s first sign of that, when she had first been changed…

“Uh…may I come in?” Kano asked, standing outside in the chill.
Danny looked to Duncan, who nodded, and said he was welcome in.
“Thank you.” Kano said, more to Duncan than to Danny. “Well, child, I see you have made your choice?” he asked Danny.
“Master, it isn’t as simple as that…” Danny shied from Kano.
“How so, child?” Kano asked, rather curious.
“He…I…” Danny just froze, her face filling with red tears…

Duncan reached around Danny, pulling her into a hug.
She turned to face him, her expressions changing again.

Kano just smiled, called in a friend of his, and a young girl (no older than 16) entered the room.
She was Asian, but she was definitely pretty!
She was going to be their cover…for the next few years. She could keep Duncan at bay, and give Danny the side of love her soul truly desires.