Status: Hecho!

Heaven Can Wait


Katie and I stepped out into the parking lot with a completle loss of things to do. Today the team was doing some press related, prmotional hoo-ha. Needless to say, Kaite and I weren't that interested. We were stuck in an industrial section of some town I couldn't remember the name of. After a few minutes, we came to a unanimous decision of trying to get ourselves lost.

No lie, we walked for about two hours, but only wound up walking in a square without noticing.

"Hmm..." Katies thought, "... someone's got a soccer ball some where inside. We could mess around with that. Or there's bound to be a frisbee..."

"Yes! Good! Fun!" I said shaking my hips in what I proudly call a happy dance.

The soccer ball extravaganza lasted for the rest of the day. 'The day' being the rest of the time we spent at that particular spot.

"I feel sunburn coming on," I complained as I scrunched and unscrunched my nose over and over again.

Katie examined my face, "Nah, you're probably just hot."

"Paaaain," I whined on.


That night the team had rooms booked at some inn. Katie and I made it clear that we were therefore taking over the 'party' bus for the night. It was funny becuase the guys pretended like they didn't care or want to join, but we knew they did. We watched some shitty movies and talked about everything in a whisper, just to make us feel awesome. Some time around 2 in the morning Katie whipped out a bottle of vodka, and we got a bit rowdy after that. I can't precisely remember what went down, but I know that Katie and I both love and could handle [for the most part] our booze.

Once we started dying down, Katie dissapeared into the hotel. I hadn't realized and wound up spending half an hour searching the bus up and down for her before realizing she wasn't there and falling into a fit of giggles. She probably went to find James, I thought to myself. I changed my clothes and started jogging laps back and forth in the bus. After a couple of minutes I started to feel woozy so I slouched onto the floor, leaning against the couch. I concentrated on making the gross feeling inside of me go away. I heard the key sliding into the lock of the door on the bus. That sound made me think of a machine gun. I began playing it over and over in my head.

"Don't tell me you're drunk too?" Shaun sighed, leanig over next to me. I looked up at his concerned face and felt like laughing, but stopped myself. I held my thumb and index finger about an inch apart and mouthed 'little bit.'

"August," he said as he closed his eyes, "you can't do this. You just turned 20, sure, but just wait that year out, would you? I understand and all, but I don't want you to get in trouble or anything to happen."

I started to feel like crap as he went on. It was like one my parents or something. Also, I felt kind of bad for letting him down in some way. I felt like a dumbass and young and inexperienced. I looked away as my eyes got watery. Shaun placed his hand on my cheek pulling my gaze back to him.

"Sorry," I mumbled, my eyes glued on his. His eye brows scrunched up a little and he rubbed my cheek with his thumb.


Shaun had laid down with me until I fell asleep, but disappeared some time in the night. Katie had show up again. The two of us didn't wake up until after we'd arrived at the next skate park. I talked her into a post hangover walk. Nothing like making your body hurt even more to only know you'll feel better. Kind of.

As we walked, we vowed not to have anymore duo nights with bottles of liquor.

The guys were planning on making a Subway run when Katie and I got back. I talked them into letting us go out and pick it all up. We jacked the Sion and headed off. The girls working at Subway couldn't help but chuckle at our ridiculous order. We explained our mission and they understood.

"Guys," one of them sighed as she threw some lettuce on a sandwich.

"I hear ya," Katie and I said simultaniously.

We hurried around the skate park once we got back, distributing the food. We ran from a few sweaty hugs and retreated back to the air condictioned bus. Shaun had just finished getting dressed and was on his way out. He asked me to go with him and Katie demanded I abandon her.

Shaun and I started to wonder through the skate park. He grabbed my hand and took a step away, looking at what I was wearing.

"Katie and I went walking," I sighed as I looked down at my purple gym shorts.

"I like'em." he said as he stepped closer again. He mentioned Katie and the soccer ball from yesterday. He said he'd spotted us chasing it down the road like maniacs and wanted to know if I played.

"If there's one sport I will never play in my life, it's soccer. I just like kicking things... bottles, rocks, balls, small children, not really."

Shaun smiled. I shrugged, "I just like being outside."

"My kinda girl," he smiled.

We stopped by the half pipe and watched as kids went flying back and forth. A few people came up to Shaun for pictures and autographs. It made me think of way back at the hotel; about our snowboarding lessons. An unbelievably anxious and warm feeling flowed through me and I couldn't sit still.

"I'm going to go change." I whispered in Shaun's ear when I got a chance.

"AH! was that your girlfriend?!?!" I heard a kid ask as I headed off. I laughed to myself all the way back to the bus. But now I felt even more anxious, and not in a good way. I still hadn't gotten up the nerve to talk to Shaun about the whole boyfriend-girlfriend thing...