Status: Hecho!

I Don't Know How To Say This

Chap. 6

Pulling up to Taylor's house, I could see three cars in her driveway. One of which was Mark's - but I should've known. I got inside and headed up to Tay's room where everyone was

I was greeted by a wall of 'hello's. Taylor quickly introduced everyone, giving me a little squeeze when she got to Cam. He, I took it, was her version of my match made in heaven. I sat in the corner of Tay's bed, legs out in front of me. I'd strategically placed myself so that I couldn't see Mark sitting in the adjacent corner on Taylor's computer chair. Cam sat beside me, leaning close and we held up a small conversation as the rest of the room had their own.

Cam was a nice enough guy. He was definitely cute and funny but there wasn't anything there that clicked on more than a 'hey this is my buddy Cam' kind of level. Plus, he was the only thing worse than an obsessive finger tapper... a foot jiggler.

When we joined into the groups conversation, of course it had to be the most awkward time.

The two of us looked at each other a little uneasily as they continued on, talking about making out.

"Caitlyn likes it on the neck!!" Tay slipped in quickly.


"Don't lie!"

"Well you like ears! How weird is that?" I tried to counter against her.

"Not that weird," one of the other guys said.

"It's almost as bad a feet!" I sighed.

"Yeah, but hey, neck's a good place." Cam agreed. I felt my cheeks get hot and I glared at everyone.

I slipped up - my eyes graced Mark's. He had the most intense glare imaginable right then. His eyes were set either on Cam or me and his mouth hung in a grim line that clearly read 'don't mess with me. I looked away and quietly sunk back into my corner, afraid to speak up in fear of drawing anymore unwanted attention.

Another hour or two passed and we continued to chill in Taylor's room. I had more or less gone mute, as had Mark. No one else really seem to notice but I didn't particularly mind. It started to get late and the majority had grown hungry. They decided on pizza and we headed down stairs.

I told them I was going to head out and after a bit of persuading, got Tay to let me go. Cam slipped me his phone number and I told him I'd text to give him mine. As I headed towards the door, Mark also said he was going to head home. My heart skipped a beat and I picked up my pace so he wouldn't try to corner me into talking. That sure as hell was the last thing I wanted to do. A small part of me wanted to - wanted to face him. But mostly I was scared. I just couldn't.

Mark watched me as I got into my car, a sad expression pulling at his features. I assumed I looked equally as unhappy.

When I arrived home, I found the house empty. That surprised me because the grandparents were usually in by now. I mean, they are in their mid sixties but it's not like they typically are out at this time. There wasn't any note inside and I stood there confused. They hadn't told me they were going- *ding dong*.

I hurried over to the door to find a police officer outside. My heart had to have stopped beating.

"Oh my God," I mumbled without thinking. My eyes started to water as he asked me my name and told me he'd been waiting for me to show up.

"All right, earlier this evening your grand father suffered a heart attack. He's in the hospital now and he'll be all right, but we were told to keep an eye out for when you got home. Your grand mother told us she had no way of contacting you. She plans on staying over night at the hospital with your grand father but she suggests you stay here." I nodded as he came to a finish.

He gave me the phone number of the hospital and the floor and room numbers in case I had to call. I closed the door once he'd turned to leave.

Instantly I started balling. I felt like my parents had died all over again. Thank God my grandpa was actually all right, but so much fear filled me that all I could do was cry. Why was this my life? How could this be my life? Was I just not allowed to be happy?