Status: Started

500 Days of Teenage Love


See, breaking up is hard to do, to move along it's even harder- The Break Up Song

You know, if someone would have told me a year ago, today I would be in bed staring at a picture of my ex, I would laugh. If you told me my best friend and my big sister would be in my room trying to make me feel better, I definitely would laugh. But I guess you gotta expect the unexpected.

"Come on Jacobi. You gotta get up. You gonna lay in bed all day?" My sister pushed my shoulder and I groan.


"Imma tell mama then."

"I. Don't.Care." I put my head in my pillow and hope she'll leave soon. I just want to talk to Jay B. right now. She usually was the person I talked to, but I just didn't want to tell her and make her mad.

"Fine. But you better tell me later lil boy. And hopefully I don't have to beat this little girl up." She stomps out of my room, slamming my door.

"I admit, your sisters fine when she is mad. She 22 right? Shit, that sounds decent." I look up and glare at him. He stops talking and does a nervous laugh. "So, what happened?"

"She just broke up with me. It seemed all good. But she broke up with me because..I don't even fucking know! I just left and she didn't stop me. She has even text me or called me. Nothing. She's fucking heartless."

"Listen man. This y'all first break up. She'll be back. Actually, do y'all even go out?"


"Wait? How long have y'all been talking and y'all still don't go out? That's crazy man. Whats wrong?"

"She claims she doesn't want to be one of my hoes on the side. Does that make sense?"

"Nah bra. Not even a lil bit. She insecure?"

"It's Sam. I thought I had her all figured out but she pulled this."

It took a lot of time to get Sam to notice me. Well actually, we noticed each other alright. Our meeting can be described as bittersweet.

Monday 8Th January

"Alright class, today will work in groups trying to create a country that will be able to at least last for by selling a certain resource or you can use an idea.."

"God, does Ms. Hackson ever stop talking?" My best friend Jay B. whispered.

"Naw, I bet her husband don't be coming to bed anymore," I said back. Jay B. and I laughed at our joke and jumped as a ruler hit our desk.

"Problem Mr. Miles?" She glared at me and I did my famous smile at her.

"No Ms. H. By the way, I like those earrings. Sapphires?"

"...I'm watching you Mr. Miles and Mr. Baxter. Now. I will be nice and let you choose the groups. Go. Now. Desk together." She moved pass us to the front of class and I scooted my desk toward Jay B. A few seconds later I watch as a girl who's kinda in our clique named Yvette and her friend, Sasha, join us. They're smart and kinda cute, so I don't mind.

"So I say we should name our country PartyCity. Make it sound exciting," Jay B. starts.

"Hell no. That's lame. How about something cheery and happy. Like Sunville?"Yvette says. Sasha nods and looks at us for our answer.

"I don't like it. Sorry," I say. Both girls sigh and lean back in their chair.

"We'll lets worry about the name-." A loud knock sounds on the door and the whole class quiets down to look. Ms. H walks to it and opens it.

"Yes..ok? Oh..yes..yes..I see..San Antonio? Oh wow...yes..OK..Thank you." She steps to the side a little and in slowly walks a girl.

She was fine. And the males and the class agreed because they started whistling and asking for her name. Sasha and Yvette simply rolled their eyes and continued talking about the countries name.

"Choose a group," Ms. H says. I watch as she bites her lips and plays with her long curly hair in her finger. Cute. She was nervous. She slowly walked toward one group but one girl in mean mugged her making her walk toward us.

"May I work with you guys?" She smiled at Yvette and Yvette looked at Sasha.

"Sure. Jay B. Get hear that desk." Jay B. pulled her a desk and she slowly sat down. As the others continued talking, I checked the new girl out. She looked my type. She had on a white crop top, black leggings with combat boots. Her hair looked perfect and she wasn't wearing a lot of make up.

"Listen, I say getting in the convo. Think about this. How about SportsWorld? Our way of making money will be by selling sport stuff and sponsoring sport teams. Think about it." They're quiet and look at each other.

"That's decent," Yvette says.

"Different," Sasha mumbles.

"I like my bro." Jay B. smacks my back and head nods at Yvette.

"It's stupid." We all look toward the voice. New girl is looking at me with a 'Are-You-Serious' expression.

"Excuse me?" I say getting a little mad. Who did she think she was?

"It's stupid. I'm sorry but SportsWorld. Not unique and our business would not stay up long. We need more variety or something that is needed throughout the whole world like water to sell as our main thing. "

"Shes right," Sasha says and looks at me.

"What do you mean not unique? Its sports. People love sports. I'm not just talking about football I mean everything. Even ice fucking skating."

"Calm down J," Jay B. says. He knows I can get mad easily even if I'm a nice guy.

"So you're mad because I said your idea was stupid. Oh, your one of those guys that get sensitive when someone actually questions you. Sad. Stop being a baby."

"I wasn't-."

The bell would decide to ring at that moment. The girl simply smiled at me and got her stuff.

"What a bitch," I said hoping she would hear.

"My names Sam Valentina, hun." She flipped her hair casually over her shoulder.

That day she made me mad, but weeks later, I would slowly start to fall for Sam Valentina. I would realize the first time we met is one of my favorite memories."
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