Status: Slow Updates

On the Head of a Pin

Dorm to Storm

Danielle didn't know how it happened. One minute she was leaving her Middle Ages class and the next she was breathless in darkness. She felt like she was floating, drifting into nothingness, completely aware of her surroundings,time seemed to not exist and Danielle could find nothing around her. Then another airless moment later she was tumbling on the ground in the middle of a park next to a lake. Her body, though conscious, refused to move, to tired and aching to react to anything around her. It wasn't long before she lost consciousness.

Danielle couldn't remember staying awake for long, just that when she did, there was always discomfort. Maybe the fifth time she aroused, she could hear voices. Some of them screamed out, others plotted, but one seemed closer and it was calculating and always concentrated on her well being. It wasn't the voices that bothered her, or the way they spoke, it was where they were coming from. She could hear footsteps and what seemed to be the fluttering of wings around her, so she knew the voices weren't in the room, which meant they were in her head. The fear was smothered out of her mind. The closest voice soothed her back into unconsciousness.

When she finally did awake she bolted up, realizing that everything that happened wasn't a dream and she had no idea where she was. All she knew was that the air was sweet with flowers and nature and the room she was in was simple. Her head was pounding, like someone had knocked her out.

She blinked once, long and concentrated, clearing her mind, only to find a man standing where she had been looking. She jumped back on the bed she was lying on, startled since she hadn't heard him enter.

“Hello there, Danielle. Do not be frightened. You... you fell and I saved you.” The man spoke in a soothing, yet rough voice. His bright blue eyes showed only innocence and truth as did his features. He wore a suit with a loosened tie and a trench coat. Danielle instantly knew who he was.


“No. I am not who you think I am. There is no such person as Misha Collins. At least not in this universe.”

Danielle's knitted her eyebrows together in confusion.

“You're not suggesting I--”

“Yes. I am.”

“So you're--”


“And you're—”

“An Angel of the Lord. Yes.”

“And I--”

“Went through the... the void as you call it.”

Danielle didn't know how to process the information given to her. As much as she would love to believe she had passed through the void and entered the world of Supernatural, it raised more questions than answered. Her fascination with the void and how it worked was one thing she hoped to learn about. But she wondered why she was pulled through the void. Was it an accident? Did someone pull her through? Was there a purpose for her in this world?

Castiel seemed to know exactly what she was thinking.

“Danielle, I don't know why you're here or why you appeared in front of me, but you can not leave this place. If any other Angel other than myself were to have found you, you would have been killed.”

That pulled Danielle out of her little mental rant.


“Yes. Killed... do you not understand the meaning or---”

“No, no! I. Well, I understand the meaning, but I don't understand why. Why would I be killed?”

Castiel moved until he was sitting next to her on the bed, “Because, you have great power inside of you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Purely a Supernatural fan fiction now. No Doctor Who universe anymore. Sorry.