Status: We're working on it xP

Listen to the Rhythm

You give her a smile, and that's about it.

*Alexx's POV*

Tayce sat on my bed as I finished my make up. I looked at her in my mirror and she looked upset. Which was something, Kathryn Tayce Eason normally was not. My best friend instincts kicked in, even thought I had an idea of what was going on.

"Yo, T. You okay?"
"She hates me."
"What?" I asked, confused.
"Reannon. She hates me."
"No, she doesn't hate you, she just needs time. You two just broke up." I laughed.
"Oh shut up." She glared.

I grabbed a random hoodie and a random pair of converse out of my closet and sat next to Tayce. She sighed and fell back on the bed. I just chuckled and tossed my cigarette pack at her. She lit one up and laughed to herself as she watched me stand in front of the mirror making sure my outfit was good to go.

"So where you guys going tonight?" She asked in between puffs.
"Howl's. We're meeting Rylan."
"Oh sounds fun."
"Oh yeah, you know it."
"Well, I'ma go now. See you later."
"Oh, you just come here to steal my cigarettes, huh?"
"You know me so well." She laughed.
"Man, get outta my house." I said laughing with her.

I watched Tayce pull out of the driveway from my window and fell to the floor laughing as she hit my neighbor's trashcan. She stuck her hand out the window and gave me the bird and I returned the favor. I shook my head as I turned off my light and walked downstairs.

"Bye, ma!" I called before walking out the door.
"Bye, Lexx. Love you!"
"Love you too!"

As I got closer to Howl's, my stomach started growling. I decided to stop at McDonald's and get me a quick bite to eat. I came out holding an Oreo McFlurry and a 10 piece mcnugget. I looked before I crossed the street to get to my car and suddenly a black Tahoe slammed on its breaks inches from my knees. I looked in the car and gave the four guys a dirty look and went to move out of the way when the driver honked his horn at me.

"You really wanna go there, dick face?" I chuckled.
"Move out of the way, bitch! We have places to be!" He screamed.

I looked at my large McFlurry and threw it on his windshield and laughed as it covered his view. I kept laughing as I got back in my car and turned up my A Rocket to the Moon cd. I started eating my fries as I got closer to Howl's. The front parking lot was completely empty and I drove around the building and found maybe ten people standing around. I parked next to Rea's car. I grabbed my food and got out of the car. Rea noticed me and pushed Rylan out of the way to get to me.

"Alexx!" She screamed.
"Reannon!" I screamed, matching her excitement.
"Thanks! Love you too!"
"You got food?" She asked, eyes darting to the bag.
"No way! I almost got killed over it!"

We munched on the fries while I told her about the guys at McDonald's. She spit the fries out and clutched her sides laughing. I made a sad face as I thought about my poor dead McFlurry. Rylan skipped over and stole a chicken nugget from me and took a bite.

"Oh gosh, Lexx. These taste terrible!"
"Really? I haven't tried one yet."
"Yeah, really. I think you should just give them to me. I'll gladly endure the terribleness for you." He said trying to keep a straight face.

I looked at him for a second before realizing what he was doing. I smacked him in the stomach and grabbed my nugget box from him.

"Those people have McDonald's. Go bother them." Rea laughed, pointing over Rylan's shoulder.

As he turned to look, I saw who it was.

"Holy shit, Alexx. Do you know who that is?" Reannon gaped.
"Oh my god, Rea. It's them."
"I know!" She squealed.

I sat my nuggets down and angrily stomped to the four guys standing around the Tahoe. Another guy joined them as I got closer. One of the guys nudged the driver and his smile faded as he saw me.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Whoever told you that you could almost run someone over in a parking lot and then honk at them for being in the way was sorely mistaken, bub."
"You're the bitch who threw a McFlurry on my windshield!" A familiar guy yelled, standing up.
"Yeah, and you're the dick who almost killed me." I screamed angrily at him.
"I did not, you delusional bitch." He screamed back.

"Whoa, now. Calm down, Kenny, what is she talking about?" A very very familiar guy who wasn't in the car earlier asked.

"He almost fucking ran me over in the McDonald's parking lot! And then he had the nerve to honk at me, like I did something wrong!" I explained not so calmly.
"Oh wow. I'm sorry, miss. Kennedy, tell her you're sorry."
"Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry... sorry I didn't hit your ass." He smirked.

I screamed and tried to lunge at him but someone had me around the waist. I felt the person pull me away from the guys. I noticed the very familiar blonde headed guy was missing.

"You okay?" The guy asked once he let me go.
"Yeah," I said smoothing my clothes out. "I'm fine."
"I'm sorry about him. He's been a dick lately."
"Obviously. You should've let me hit him."
"Sorry, miss. No can do. I need him."
"Oh, oh. I didn't get that vibe from either one of you."

He looked at me oddly before busting out in histerics. I gave him a dirty look and started to walk away. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him.

"Sorry, sorry. No, that's not what I meant. He's my guitarist. If this secret show is gonna happen, I need him." He said after his laughter died down.

It took a second for it all to click in my head and then it hit me. Kennedy from The Maine almost ran me over and I was currently talking to John from The Maine.

"Holy... fucking... mother of... You're John. And he's Kennedy." I babbled.
"Seems you know my name, but I don't know yours." He smiled
My knees literally went weak and John noticed. He grabbed me and helped me stand up.

"Whoa, let's sit you down."
"My car's over there." I said looking at the ground.

John helped me to my car and I put the keys in the ignition and put it in idle. I cringed as Annabelle by A Rocket to the Moon blared from my stereo system. I quickly turned it down and John laughed.

"May I?" He asked, pointing to the passenger seat.
"What? Oh sure, yeah."

He walked around the car and got in the passenger side and started singing along. It was like my own private concert, in my car! I couldn't help but smile. John stopped singing and look out the windshield. His eyes went big and he fumbled to get out of my car. I followed him with my eyes and screamed loudly as I got out to follow him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter Title: Life Like This by The Maine
Hey! I'm currently in MMPB, updating this cause we have an el sub-o. Jinx is probably still asleep so don't expect an update from her for a little while :P Hope you guys like it! Much love! <3 Tee