Status: Completed!

Take Control


Once Malorie left his office he forced himself back into his work trying not to let his thoughts wonder to the girl like normal. He did a good job for a few hours until he realized it was almost the time she would be getting off and he didn't fight the urge to grab his jacket and flee from his chair in hopes of seeing her. As he shoved his arm into the sleeve of the jacket as he walked out of the shop, he noticed Malorie walking out alone causing a grin to hit his lips.

He quickly sprinted across the street and grabbed her hand once he reached her. She looked over at him and he smiled, "Hi."


"How was work?" He asked casually and she shrugged causing him to chuckle.

"We're ok right?" He asked and she nodded, "Of course."

"Just makin' sure. I tend ta worry a lot."

"I noticed."

He scoffed, "Yeh juss notice everyfing huh?"

"Pretty much."

He chuckled as they reached her apartment and she pulled him inside without question. With just one look at her he realized he couldn't fight it anymore and he grabbed her gently and pressed his lips to hers.

"I'm sorry. I can't help it. " He whispered as he kissed down her neck and she didn't object to him picking her up and carrying her to her room.

Oli laid there staring at the ceiling for longer than he recalled. His fingers tracing over her back as she slept against his chest. He couldn't help but to allow his mind to wonder.

He really had feelings for her and was that such a bad thing? That didn't mean things would end badly. He sighed and looked over at the clock which read 10 past 5. In the morning that is. He forced his eyes closed and the next time he woke it was to the sun shining into her window. He didn't mind that she was still cuddled into his side though. He kissed her head causing her to stir and she raised up sleepily. He chuckled at how cute she looked with her tired eyes and messy hair.

"Mornin'." He whispered and she closed her eyes as he kissed her forehead before she buried her face into his chest.

"Hey, Mal..." He finally spoke and she mumbled to him letting him know she was in fact listening.

"Be my girlfriend."

He couldn't believe he said the words he had swore he'd never say again.

"What?" She asked looking up at him with a shocked expression on her face.

"Yeah, I actually mean it too." He said with a grin bringing his hand to her cheek, "Although I haven't been in a relationship in foreva and I'm not too keen on everyone knowin', I do wanna be wif yeh."

"Why do we have to tell anyone?" She asked and he raised an eybrow, "I mean, we don't I just didn't know how yeh would feel bout it."

"As long as you don't treat me differently around anyone, I don't care."

"I wouldn't do that."

She nodded and he kissed her forehead, "Look, I'm gonna run home and showa and stuff and I'll be back soon, ok?"

She nodded once more and he kissed her before sliding out from the bed. He walked out of the apartment feeling confident in what he had asked. He knew what he felt for the girl and why should he deny it just because of past mistakes?

Once he showered and got dressed he headed back over to her apartment knocking on the door anxiously as he waited. She opened it with a smile clearly ready for the day and he held out his head, "Come on. Let's go get ice cream and have a walk. It's propa nice out."

She giggled and placed her hand in his as she shut the door behind her. He held her hand in silence as they walked down the sidewalk. He glanced over at her occasionally, a grin hitting his lips as she stared at her feet.

"What yeh finkin' bout?" He asked kissing the top of her hand and her green eyes landed on his.



She nodded and he grinned, "What bout meh?"

"Nothing important."

He chuckled as he held the door open to the ice cream shop only to be faced with Matty and Jona. He was thankful at that moment that he had dropped her hand.

"Well ello mate...and bird." Matty said cheerful as he patted Malorie on the head causing her to chuckle.

"What are yeh two doin' here?" Jona asked looking at him with curiosity.

"What are you two doing here? On a man date?" Malorie asked causing Matty to scoff, "Ok. Point made. Have fun!"

Malorie laughed and walked in and Oli quickly followed as he tried to ignore Jona's look.

Once they ordered and sat near the window a comfortable silence covered them as his mind raced.

"It's not that I'm embarrassed ta be wif yeh Malorie. Yeh know that right?" He asked abruptly and she gave him a confused look.

"The whole not tellin' anyone fing." He stated and she shrugged, "I didn't say you were."

"Yeah, but I don't know what yeh finkin' but it's not that. It's juss, I'm worried how tha guys would treat yeh."

"What do you mean? They like me."

"I know they do. I juss worry it would change if they knew we were togetha."

She stared at him unsure what to ask first and he sighed, "The last girl I was wif, well lets just say it didn't go well, and a lot happened so they are juss pretty protective of me because they don't want me to end up in that situation again." He stated being as vague as possible.

She nodded although she wasn't going to lie. Her curiosity was getting the best of her.

"Yeh nuffin' like her though. It's not that they would fink that. It's's complicated, love." He said running his hand through his hair hoping she would be ok with his mixed up response.

She nodded not wanting to pressure him into anything and he sighed as he looked out the window his mind in overdrive at the moment.

She reached over and placed her hand over his and the simply gesture alone made him sure of his decision. Yeah, maybe he didn't know how this would turn out, but right now he knew it was the right decision.

He grabbed up her hand and moved his eyes to hers, "Let's go, yeah?"

She nodded and they threw away their trash before heading back outside hand in hand. She was nothing like anyone he had ever dated and although he was nervous that the guys wouldn't see that, he didn't care. Anyone who met her would know she was a good person and yet, how many times has he thought that before?

Malorie couldn't help but let her mind race with the possibilities of what happened in Oli's past. What kind of relationships he had, what was so bad that the guys didn't trust him dating anymore, she had tons of questions she wanted answers to. The main one being, what was Oli hiding?
♠ ♠ ♠
First off, I'm sorry to anyone who has to read this crappy chapter and not the one that was originally posted.

If only you knew how livid I was about this whole mibba thing because I for one do not save chapters. Once they are posted I delete them so I can keep up with where I am at.

Lesson learned.

So yeah, if you read this chapter before it was deleted then lucky you because it's not the same and is basically a short version of it so the next chapter will make sense. :|