Happily Ever After

Chapter One

You ever have one of those days, where just about everything that could go wrong goes wrong-- or, at least, you think everything that could possibly go wrong does, and then it all gets ten times worse?

Waking up by of falling out of my bed, and hitting my head on my night stand had been a terrific start to my day. I then realized that it was Saturday and that I’d woken up at seven in the morning, when I didn't have work until one. While doing my hair, I burned my ear.... At work the customers had been total assholes, and when I arrived at my apartment complex, it was surrounded by tons of screaming teenage girls.

What the hell was going on?

I fought my way through the crazy crowd of hysterical girls, getting pushed and shoved the whole time. I broke through with a small triumphant smile, and was about to walk in the lobby-so I could go to my apartment and put my feet up and relax-when a burly security guy put his hand out in front of me stopping me in my tracks.

"And where do you think you're going? No fans inside the building." he said curtly, staring at me with a hard look.

"Fans? Um, I don't know who you are, buddy, but I happen to live here." I crossed my arms over my chest trying to keep my anger under control.

"Sure you do, go back behind the barricade." he rolled his eyes, ushering me back.

"LISTEN HERE, DUDE" I shouted, and his eyes widened. "I've had a terrible day, and just got off of work. All I want to do is go up to my apartment and put my damn feet up! I live here, and nobody-not you or anyone else-is going to tell me I can't fucking enter!"

He huffed, his irritation rolling off of him intensely. He waved over the manager of my apartment complex and I began tapping my foot impatiently. Once Jake stumbled his way over, the asshole pointed at me without looking at me. "Does she live here?"

Jake looked at me, giving a sincere apologetic smile. "Yes, she lives here."

He looked down at me with pure annoyance plastered on his face. I gave him a smirk, before shooting him a fake grin. "Yeah, so if you'll excuse me..." I pushed past him stomping into the building.

"Chelsea, sorry about that." I heard Jake call to me as I was checking my mailbox.

I shook my head, "What the hell is going on here?"

He smiled sheepishly at me, "A famous band moved into the apartment across from you, and their fans found out where it was."

"A famous band?" I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself, my anger continued to keep rising as the minutes passed. "Whatever, I don't care. Just make sure the next time I try and come in here those assholes let me in."

He nodded, "I'm sorry, it won't happen again! Have a lovely evening."

"Yeah, you too."

The screaming was still pretty loud inside the complex, and if this became an everyday thing, I was definitely moving. I pinched the bridge of my nose as I began to walk down my hallway. And by the time I looked up, it was too late to move.

A body crashed into me, spilling very hot coffee down my chest, burning me, and ruining my shirt. I jumped back, cursing quietly while attempting to pull the shirt as far away from my body as possible.

"Watch where you're going, will you?" A British accent spat.

My head shot up toward the voice, and my anger was boiling over. I was going to explode, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

"Watch where I'm going!?" I demanded, making his eyes widen slightly. "In case you didn't realize, you were the idiot walking backwards in the hallway. So maybe you should watch where you're going, huh?!"

He scoffed at me, pushing his curly hair out of his eyes while shaking his hand that was drenched in coffee.

"Oh, let me guess," I glared at him and the other boy slightly behind him. "You're the famous band that just moved in, right? Well, I'm so sorry is a normal girl like me not worthy of your precious time? And I'm so sorry that your four dollar coffee spilled on me, burning me and ruining my sixty dollar work shirt. Some people actually have to work to get nice things." I shoved past him, my shoulder hitting him. "Get real, you fucking dick."

I unlocked my door stomped inside, and slammed it shut. I dropped my bag and instantly tore my shirt off. My chest was a bright red, and I quickly spun around, punching the wall behind me.

"What a fantastic fucking day." I muttered.

I was definitely moving as soon as possible.
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Ohhaaai there. :)

So idk I love One Direction & I've been wanting to write a 1D fanfic for awhile..I hope this was as good as I wanted it to be.

Yeah, this may chapter might suck, but I think it gets better. Hopefully lol.

So to anyone reading this, comment & subscribe? :) let me know if I should continue or not.

Please&thankyouuu c:

P.S. If any of my Smells Like Teen Spirit readers are reading this, I'm very irritated that my chapters got erased. I have the ending completely done & it's actually a really good ending, but idk when I'll be able to sit down and rewrite the chapters. It'll happen, I just dunno when.