For All Time

The beginning of me and him

I never knew what a good boyfriend was until Brandon came along. Brandon Alvarez. Brandon Jerry Alvarez. My first boyfriend.

We met on the first day of the seventh grade when Ms.Evans put us beside each other. We got to know each other day by day and every second I'd like him a little more. Every gym class,math class and science class was better with him. Ms.Evans would tell us to stop flirting with each other all the time, but every time she said it, Brandon would blush. Every time.

Brandon Alvarez was funny,nice,loving and cute. He had two sisters and a brother. He lives 5 blocks down from where I live. We had a lot in common. I like music, he likes music. I play an instrument, he plays an instrument. I can sing, he can sing. I'm mixed with different cultures and so is he. Brandon's dad is Spanish and Jamaican. His mom is white,French. That made him beautiful. My dad was black, Spanish and Indian. My mom is white.

Around November I heard a rumor going around school saying that Brandon liked me. This rumor went from David to Emma, Emma to Rachel, Rachel to Sam, Sam to Amanda, Amanda to Pablo, Pablo to Mary, Mary to Kesha and Kesha to me. You would expect if you told my best friend, it would come directly to me. "So," Kesha said. "So..." i said. "Do you like him?" she asked. "Well yeah, but-" "But what? He likes you, you like him. What's the problem?" She asked. "It's a rumor Kesha and rumors tend to be untrue," I said. "It's not true,". When it came down to who likes me, I have no self esteem. I'm a 12 year old that doesn't have any curves, not a sign of a boob and I'm lanky. Who wants that? Apparently Brandon did.

On November 23, the day of my life I will always remember. It was third period. Gym. Ms.McLurr always played music when we're in gym. So, for that gym class we had a free period. We were all doing different things. Basketball,volleyball,tag,anything. I was talking to Arissa and Mariah about Brandon. "I think he likes you," Mariah said. "He flirts with you a lot," Arissa also said. I rolled my eyes. "Ladies! Do something else instead of standing around!" Ms.McLurr shouted, so Arissa,Mariah and I took a walk around the gym. Once. Then twice. And then a third time. When we were going on our fourth walk around the gym one of my favorite songs came on. Yo excuse me miss by Chris Brown. then and there I heard Brandon singing along to it. I almost died, but I kept walking my lap. Then his friends Aaron,Noah and Zach were his background singers and dancers. For a quick second I thought he was singing it to me, but the I realized there were other girls in gym class that were prettier,had curves and had boobs. But then that changed. He came up to me and took my hand. I couldn't stop smiling. I smiled until my cheeks hurt, but i was still smiling. I felt like an idiot, but I didn't care because Brandon Alvarez said these 3 words, "I like you," he had courage and balls to do that in front of our gym class and also our gym teacher, but that didn't matter. Nothing mattered. Not even the world. "Do you wanna go out with me?" Brandon asked. "Yes," i was smiling like an idiot again, showing off my whole top row of braces, but as i said before it didn't matter. He was my first boyfriend.