For All Time

The Date

I wanted to make our first date special, so I asked my cousin Gabrielle for help with my wardrobe. "First off, you're not a kid anymore Chasity," she said while holding up a pink hello kitty shirt. "I haven't worn that since I was 11," I said. Then she gave me that look, 'Then we need to go shopping because you have a terrible fashion sense' look. So, we went to the mall. For 3 hours.

When we came back home, we had 16 shopping bags. Skinny jeans to v-neck shirts and converse to Nike's. Gabrielle bought everything she thought would look good on me and she bought it. With my allowance. Of course. But when we showed my grandma my new clothes, she didn't think they were stylish at all. She nearly flipped out. What else do you expect from an 80 year old woman. "These jeans make your bum look noticeable because they stick on your butt like glue," and she went on and on. After she was done criticizing all my new clothes, she went upstairs to my room and pulled a pink and black skirt from my closet. "This would be perfect for your date," my grandmother said. This wasn't 1972. "But-" I said. "No ifs,ands or buts, you're wearing it and that's final."

On our date night, Brandon came to my house to pick me up. I was wearing knee high socks with black converse, my plaid skirt and my black sweater because it was cold. I didn't want to go downstairs and let Brandon see me looking like a school girl and I didn't want him to laugh at me like my older brother did. "You look like a school girl," my brother said with a little laugh. "But she looks adorable, doesn't she?" my grandma asked. He just started to laugh even more. Why couldn't my parents have a daughter? Another daughter. An older daughter. My older sister.

When I went downstairs, there he was waiting for me. he was wearing his school clothes. At least he didn't LOOK like a school girl. He looked like a person going on a date. I looked like I was going to school. I felt so embarrassed. I went up to him. "Hi," I said. "Hey," he said back. A smile came on his face and one came on mine. It was like a disease how fast smiles could spread. "I'll bring her home at 8," Brandon said. "7 and don't push your luck," my grandfather said strictly. "Yes sir!" Brandon said while saluting my grandfather. It made me laugh. "Take the limo," my grandma said. "Okay,lets go. Bye grandma and grandpa," I said. "Bye," Brandon said and then we were off on our date. My first date.

On our date, we went to Baskin Robbins. I remember when he looked in my eyes. His eyes were gorgeous. They were hazel. "Are you nervous?" He asked. "Uhh....Umm.." Words failed me at the wrong moment. He just looked at me still, so I just nodded my head yes. "Well, don't be," he encouraged me. "Well, this is kind of my first date," words returned back to me. "Oh," that's all he said and then turned his head and ordered what he wanted. I'm such a loser. Who says that on a date? A loser would. That would be me.

When the lady came back with his order, there were two ice cream cups. "Here you go," he said while handing me a bowl of my favorite ice cream. Cookie Dough. "How did you know what ice cream I liked?" I asked. "I asked one of your friends and they told me. I didn't want to look like an idiot on our date," he explained. We walked over to a table and sat down. "I wouldn't have cared," I said, "Really?" "Okay, maybe a little," I said. We both laughed. Then we both blushed and then he said it. The words I thought would never hear from Brandon Alvarez. "You're beautiful," it was out of the blue. He meant to say it in a whisper, but I heard it all. "Really?" I asked. My voice kind of squeaked. "I would say that your pretty, but that would only be describing your face," I was a winner and Brandon was the prize.

When we went back to my house, we were on my front porch and did the regular first date thing. You know, when we say we had a nice time. I could tell that my grandpa was watching us through a window, but that didn't stop Brandon from giving me a goodnight kiss on the cheek. I was still a winner with the ultimate prize. My first boyfriend.

But that was in the seventh grade, now it was the ninth grade and everything has changed. Instead of being on a nice decent date, we were in the back of Brandon's brothers car that he had lent him.