For All Time

Possible Solution

We just sat there, in the back seat of the car. Me and Brandon, Brandon and I. It was March and mild outside. I was wearing a short denim washed out jean skirt and a pink tank top. If my dad ever saw me wearing this, I'd be dead. When I graduated from the eighth grade, I wanted to change my style. Something less kiddish and something more mature. Since high school began nothing was the same. I didn't have most of my friends with me and Brandon had changed. He wasn't interested in just me anymore, he was interested in other girls. I had become a book on his shelf that he wasn't interested in anymore because he had something better to do instead. Rather than trying to figure me out a bit more and see what would happen next if he went on to another chapter in our book, but no. He flirted with other girls and even though I don't show it to him, it hurts a lot seeing him flirt with five to ten girls a day. Even if he didn't mean it. The girls that he flirted with were like the songs on his ipod; he skipped one and another and another if he didn't like them. So what is about to happen is just to save a relationship from crumbling after 2 years of being together going on 3.

I was underneath and he was on top. We were making out. Hard core. I didn't like it one bit, but it didn't matter if I wanted to stop or not. He was happy, which made me happy. I think. But there was no time to think right now. He pulled down my skirt and underwear and within two seconds it was over. You may think I'm over exaggerating, but it was true. I had lost one thing I could never get back. My virginity. I felt a light tear come down my face while I was pulling up my skirt. "You're grandparents are expecting you now. You should probably go inside," Brandon said while zipping up his jeans. "Okay," I was trying not to cry over this. It wasn't a big deal. That's at least what I thought then and there.

When I got out of the car, I waved Brandon goodbye and went inside. It was 10:00 pm and I was hoping that everyone had gone to sleep, but no. There is always that one person that has to stay up and wait for you to come home from your date because they're just that nosy. In this case it would be my little brother Brady. Great. "So, how was your date Chasity?" "Fine," "What did you guys do?" "We went to the movies, got something to eat and had-" I cut myself off before I said something I didn't want anybody to know. Especially not an 11 year old that has the biggest mouth you could imagine. "And had..." He was waiting for my response. He would have to wait a long time, so I changed the subject. "Where is everybody?" I asked. "You know, the usual places. The game room and grandma and grandpa are out and Chasity," "Yes," "And had what?" "Nothing, just forget I said anything," I said then walked upstairs and of course he followed. He kept repeating "and had,and had, and had" I was getting so irritated. I felt like throwing him out the window to see if that would make him shut up. He wasn't going to stop until he got the truth, so that's what I gave him. "And-" "AND WE HAD SEX!" I covered my mouth. What have I done?

"Oh god... I didn't say anything," I said. I didn't know who was more shocked. Me or him. "You did what?" Brady asked. "Nothing, you probably won't learn a lot about it until you get to the eight grade," I said trying to walk away from him, but he kept following me and talking. "For your information we're learning about puberty and we learned how babies are made and how you should wear protection if you don't intend on having a child. Did you use protection?" "Just shut up and leave me alone Brady," I said calmly, trying not to yell. "Somebodies in a bad mood" "Of course I'm in a bad mood, you keep going on and on," "But-" "Just don't tell anyone," I said strictly. "I don't need to tell anybody, if they were smart they'll figure it out themselves," "How?" I asked. "Well,first off your lips are red and swollen, a dead give away, also you're walking as if somethings been "up there" which shouldn't have been up there in the first place, if you know what I'm saying," "Shut up," "Hey,I could be a good detective someday," I rolled my eyes. "And we all know you can't lie to the authorities" "The authorities?" "Grandma and grandpa," I had to admit, he was right. "Whenever you try to lie to them you stutter, you get sweaty and you avoid eye contact," I was really annoyed now. "Bye Brady," I said and started to walk down the hall. "Where are you going?" He asked. "Where else? Mars? I'm just going to my room," I said while turning my door knob. "But what if you really are pregnant? Or you got an STD? Or even AIDS" "Could you just stop! Brandon and I don't have STD's or AIDS! And we used protection, so could you just being a smart ass for once and actually listen to your big sister!"

After I slammed the door, I laid on my bed and thought,'Why did I lie?',I had lied to Brady that I used protection and now I was scared of the consequences. I sighed trying my best to forget about it. I closed my eyes and thought of the best moment of my life. My first kiss. It always made me smile. If you were wondering what my first kiss was like, I have one word for you. Amazing. It was raining outside and we were walking home from school. When we stopped in front of the gate. "I'll see you Monday," I said. "Yeah,but I have to give you something that can't wait until Monday," and then it happened, as if it was magic. We kissed, I was so nervous, but then I relaxed. It was amazing, but I couldn't get a smile on my face. Maybe because Brandon is the problem.