For All Time

Maybe Baby

On Monday, Brandon was actually doing the things he did in the seventh and eighth grade. He held my hand down the hall, walked me to class and kissed me goodbye when we got to the gate in front of my house. I loved having the old Brandon back and not just have the shell of him. I guess that one night did change everything for the better. I knew it was a good idea.

After a few weeks I didn't feel so good. I started to throw up in the morning and at school and I always felt tired. I just assumed I had the flu or my period was coming, so I waited and waited and waited, but my period didn't come. I got worried. Maybe I just had an irregular period, but all my periods were normal. It was supposed to come a week ago on March 16th. It was probably nothing big. Maybe getting your period later than the rest of the girls in my eighth grade class effected me. I remember getting my first ever period. I had to stay in the fetal position for three days because it hurt that much and those three days when I wasn't at school Brandon would call to check up on me. He was such a sweet boyfriend and I loved him for it.

Another week passed and I felt even worse. I threw up three times a day, I felt extremely tired, I had a lot of mood swings, my favorite foods were disgusting to me and I gained 2 pounds. Wow. What a change. I couldn't take it anymore. I had to get a pregnancy test. Just to make sure. "What's with all the pregnancy tests?" The lady at the counter asked. "Oh, they're for my older cousin," man I lied a lot. What was I supposed to say? "Oh, I had sex with my boyfriend because I didn't want to lose him,so now I think I'm pregnant," No! I wasn't going to say that. "Oh," she said and bagged my stuff. "Here," I said giving her a $20 bill. "Keep the change," I said and quickly walked out of there before she could say anything because I knew she didn't believe me.

When I got home everybody was having dinner. "Chasity, where have you been?" My grandma asked me. "Oh.. Umm...Well," I was stuttering and I started to sweat. "I-I w-w-was just r-returning a book back to K-K-Kesha," I lied. My eyes started to wonder off. "So, what's the bag for?" My grandpa asked. "Oh, I-I...Umm..K-Kesha gave me s-some tampons 'cause I ran o-out," I lied. I knew Blanket knew I was lying, but nobody else did. I went upstairs to the bathroom and locked it and I took the test. The first test: Positive. The second: Positive. The last test: Positive. I was destroyed. My life was over. I looked at all three tests and started to cry. How was I going to tell my grandparents? My family, my mom and especially Brandon that I was pregnant. I sat on the counter shocked. I knew I was in deep trouble. Just then I heard a knock on the door. "Chasity? Are you in there?" My little brother asked. I didn't reply because I was still crying, so he just barged in. He stood there. I looked at him with red puffy eyes and tears running down my face. He saw that I had a pregnancy test in my hand, but he couldn't see if it was negative or positive. "Why are you crying and holding a pregnancy test?" He asked. "I'm just crying tears of joy because I'm not pregnant," I lied trying to put on a fake smile, but he saw right through it. "Okay," he said and walked out. I hate lying. Especially when I'm lying to my own brother.