For All Time


Everyday was an opportunity to tell Brandon the news. That he was going to a father in less than 9 months. When he said, "hi," I wanted to tell him. When he said, "What's new?", I wanted to tell him. When he just looked at me I wanted to tell him, but I didn't because I'm a wimp. So, instead of telling him, I told my best friends first for some advice. "I need to tell you guys something in private," I said to Arissa,Mariah and Kesha. We went in the girls washroom before the start of lunch. I took a deep breath and turned to them. "I'm pregnant," I said with the most serious face I could make. They laughed. "How could you be pregnant?" Arissa asked still laughing. "You're not the type to have sex at a young age," Kesha added. They were still laughing. "I'm serious," I started, "Me and Brandon had sex and I took the test and..." I didn't continue because I started to cry. They stopped laughing. "Oh my gosh," Arissa whispered. They gave me a hug. "It's okay," Mariah said trying to comfort me. "No, it's not okay! I'm pregnant at 15!" By the way my fifteenth birthday went by four days ago on April third. I didn't do much though because I was focusing on something else. The baby. "Shhh! Not so loud!" Kesha said. "Did you tell Brandon?" Mariah asked. I shook my head. "Chasity! Why didn't you?" Arissa asked trying to sound calm. "I'm worried if I do he won't take it so well," I explained. I didn't want to lose him. "Did you at least tell your family?" Kesha asked. I shook my head again. They all sighed. Then the bell rang, so we walked out of the bathroom and parted from each other as if nothing happened.

The next day Mariah came up to me. "Are you gonna tell him soon, cause he's going to figure out soon when, you know.." Mariah said while tapping her stomach. She meant when I start to show. "I'll tell him soon," I said knowing I wouldn't tell Brandon anytime soon. "Tell him tomorrow," Mariah said. "I'll think about it," I said. "No,tell him tomorrow," Mariah strictly said. I have never seen Mariah so serious. She cared for everyone and wasn't a fighter, but a lover. Maybe that's why she was so strict about this. She cared and I appreciated that. So, I would tell Brandon tomorrow and hope for the best.

Tomorrow had come and I was nervous. I had so many chances to tell him. In band. By the way if you're wondering what instrument I play it's the soprano saxophone for jazz band and the flute for regular band. Brandon plays the trumpet. I could have told him in math when Mr.Clide was talking about square roots or I could have told him during geography, but I didn't. Now it was lunch and I was heading to the cafeteria,but just then Brandon came up to me holding papers. He looked so happy and I was puzzled. What could be so exciting? "Guess what !?" Brandon asked with the biggest smile on his face. "What?" I asked. "I got accepted!" He exclaimed showing me all the papers. He got accepted to a school that specialized in technical stuff, especially photography. Brandon has always wanted to be a photographer. A person that can take a picture of something and make it beautiful. He also didn't want a standard job; his dad is a doctor, his mom is a social worker,his older sister wants to be a high school counselor,his brother wants to be a dentist and his younger sister wants to be a pediatrician. He wanted to be different. "Wow, that's great Brandon, but isn't this school all the way in San Francisco?" "Yeah,but we're only 6 hours away from each other," "So, wait...You're moving?" "Kind of yeah," my whole world fell apart. Now I can't tell him. It would ruin his dream,his future,his career, if he had to take care of a child. "Oh," I looked down at my stomach. 8 more months to go. "Yeah, but don't worry, long distant relationships are always the best," he said,but he didn't know yet that his life was about over as mine. But he had a choice; he could stay or leave to San Francisco. "I don't know what else to say,but congratulations and I'm proud of you babe," I said while looking back up at him with a big fake smile. I leaned up and kissed him and then gave him a hug. Life officially sucks.

After school Brandon was at football, so I still couldn't tell him. I was walking home by myself. I would have to get use to it after Brandon was gone. I would never get a boyfriend like him again. I still looked like a twelve year old, but a little more developed. I had boobs, but not the size of the girls at my school. Super sized. I was still lanky, but I was getting curves. I hated the fact that I was lanky like my dad. Long arms, tall and skinny,but after this baby I'll be fat, which in my case I wouldn't mind. It would give me shape and bigger boobs. Maybe being pregnant wasn't all bad.

At dinner that night we had pasta with alfredo sauce and for dessert pineapple upside down cake. I felt like throwing up when I saw the pasta with alfredo sauce. I use to love it, but ever since I got pregnant it disgusted me. I played around with it on my plate, so it looked like I ate some. After everybody was done eating their meals, we started dessert. I hate pineapple upside down cake, but now it was delicious. I ate about three slices. "I thought you didn't like pineapple upside down cake Chasity," Brady said. "Yeah," everybody else at the table said and then looked at me. Nobody had noticed until Brady and his big mouth mentioned it. "I can give it another try can't I?" I said and went back to eating. Everybody went back to eating too. That was close. Did he want everybody to find out that I was pregnant because he wanted to get me in trouble or was he trying to be the best little brother I wanted and wanted to help me get through this.