Status: One-shot

Original Prankster


Jimmy's P.O.V

"And that's how we're gonna do it. You all in for it?" I asked the guys when I told them my plan.

"Yeah, I'm in, I also hate that dick." Zacky said, Matt, Johnny and Brian nodded in approval.

"The plan sounds good, dude. But are we gonna have enough time to pull it off?" Matt asked.

"If we start early we'll be done in time and there are anyways 5 guys, us, gonna be working on it." I replied.

"Then let's get straight to it once we get home." Matt said, we all nodded and stood up from the lunch table and went our separate classes.

Lemme fill you in on what's going on. My history teacher, Mr. Daily, is a dick, he gave me an F just because I freaked out when a spider was hanging right in front my face during the history exam we were taking that day. I freaked out, he took my test away and gave me an F and detention for freaking out, i mean HELLO?! THOSE THINGS HAVE 8 FUCKING EYES! AND THEY'RE HUGE! AND FURRY! And now I'm gonna have my sweet sweet revenge for his actions by pulling the mother of all pranks in the history of our school on him.

-Time elapse, 7PM-

"We got all the tools needed for the prank?" Matt asked going trough his messenger bag making sure he has all that he needs.

"I got everything I need." Johnny said and Zacky nodded.

"I was born ready." I said with a smirk.

"Let's show this dick what it means messing with one of us like that." Brian said and pulled his hood over his head.

-A few hours later-

"Great job guys, he's gonna shit bricks when he sees that." Brian said with a huge grin on his face.

"I'm gonna ask Andy to film it tomorrow when Mr. Daily freaks out." Brian said.

"Awesome! Our job is done here, let's go home." I said and climbed out the window with the guys hot on my heels.

-Next Morning-

"Oh my God, who did this?" Frank asked in between fits of laughter.

"Whoever did this has to hate Mr. Daily a lot." Mikey said laughing.

"He's gonna shit bricks when he sees his car in the middle of his classroom." Johnny said.

"Good morning everyone. Sorry that I'm late, but someone" He said trailing off in the end when he saw his car in the middle of his classroom.

"Here comes the nuclear bomb." I whispered to Mikey in a sing-song voice.

"I-I'm gonna re-rep-report this t-to the pri-principal..." He said walking out of the classroom shaking.

"Where's the bomb?" Matt asked.

"MY FUCKING CAR IS IN THE MIDDLE OF MY BLOODY CLASSROOM!" We heard Mr. Daily screech rather then yell. The whole class burst out laughing.

"I DON'T CARE! JUST GET IT OUT OF MY CLASSROOM ONE WAY OR ANOTHER!" We heard MR. Daily screech again and we all laughed louder.

A few seconds later Andy walked into the classroom saying, "this is going on YouTube." and looking at something on his phone.

"Did you film it?" Brian asked.

"Yeah, he almost noticed me, but I hid my phone in time." He said and handed me the phone.

I pressed play and the clip started with a furious Mr. Daily yelling at the principal 'MY FUCKING CAR IS IN THE MIDDLE OF MY BLOODY CLASSROOM!', the principal said something but I couldn't make it out. Then Mr. Daily started screeching again 'I DON'T CARE! JUST GET IT OUT OF MY CLASSROOM ONE WAY OR ANOTHER!' and them stormed off.

Then the next clip started, it was me sitting at my desk during the spider incident. The spider slowly lowered itself right in front of my face, I looked up, my eyes went huge, I opened and closed my mouth a couple of times like a fish, I screamed and jumped from behind my desk screaming 'SPIDER!'. Mr. Daily stood up from behind his desk, made his way over to me, took my test and said 'I'm giving you an F and detention for disturbing the class peace, Mr. Sullivan' and glared at me.

The clip ended, I looked up from the phone and glared at Andy. "You're dead, you fucker." I literally groveled at him and chased him out of the classroom.
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i did this all while in school and put it up here during computer class and when i was in the library, the teacher even read it and was like 'you really got this dialog thing down, really good', can you belive it? my teacher read this and it was my english teacher, this doesn't have to do anything with school, i did the first half during math and the other during english class

i hope you guys like it, please leave me a coment and i'll probably post more short stories like that