The 74th Hunger Games of Panem

Reaping Day

I woke up and splashed my face with cold water. I went down the stairs and saw my mother sipping at her coffee. Slowly. I was trying to think what day it was, then I remembered. It was Reaping Day. The day we all dreaded. Helen Mars would pick two names out of the tessera, and they would be our tributes for this years annual hunger games. I had already six, so this was not new to me. I hugged my mother and told her "Everything will be okay."
I went upstairs, and put on my reaping day outfit. A clean button up shirt and my a nice pair of black slacks. After I was changed, I trudged down the stairs, hugged my mother and father, and left.
Me and Charlotte always went to these things. I would walk to her house and we would go. She always wore this beautiful light shade orange. It brought out her beautiful orange eyes, and her beautiful fiery-red hair. She was small, but intelligent and sly. I have loved her since we met in school during recess, but I could never tell her that.
There was Helen Mars, ugly as always wearing a tacky bright green and purple dress type thing, and disgusting red makeup around her eyes. She was old and wrinkly, I guess that's why she always wore 4 pounds of makeup.
As she did every year, Helen Mars told us a speech of how wonderful we are, and the anthem of Panem plays. After that, she picks out the names. This was it. First name was about to be picked, my palms got sweaty, and my heart started to beat fast. Then the name was called. It was Charlotte. I felt like crying, but I couldn't. I had to be strong. She looked at me with a terrified look and then straightened out her face and walked up to the stage. Next was the male tribute. She put her old, bony hand into the tessera and moved it around. Digging it into the page names. She chose one and pulled it out. Then she read- Hance Dales. It was me. It didn't hit me until the peacekeepers came up to me, and led me to the stairs. I felt like I was being dragged, but my legs were moving. I walked up the steps, and almost tripped. I took my place beside Charlotte and then I remembered. Only one of us would come out alive.
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Sorry its short