The 74th Hunger Games of Panem

Long Cold Night

That night we saw a picture of the boy whose neck got snapped. He was the only one killed that day.
It's been cold tonight. Me and Char slept in the same sleeping bag. It reflects heat and we were both still shivering. The moon was dull, not leaving much light to see anything, and thats when we heard it.
A canon went off
And another.
Let's see, I think it is three o'clock in the morning. That means we won't know who was killed for a while. Still, 10 left. It could be Peeta and Katniss, but it is a small chance that it is.
"Maybe its Peeta and Katniss" says Char happily
"Lets hope"
And with that I kissed her, and we both went back to sleep
♠ ♠ ♠
its a short chapter, but some people need to die.
these people are killed by katniss when she drops the tracker jacker hive on the others