The 74th Hunger Games of Panem

The Feast

I woke up sweating. We both were. It was boiling outside. I don't know how it can go from freezing to hot, but the game makers do.
"Hey beautiful" I said as Char was waking up
She blushed, and kissed me. We decided to hunt. We finished our food. We stand on the fourth branch scoping the land for game. There it was. A turkey.
"Let me through my knife"
Char was excited to throw it. It hit the turkey straight in the eye.
"Nice shot" I said surprised
I kissed her on the cheek and we fetched our game. We took out the feather. Well I did, Char didn't know how. We cooked it over a fire. We collected twigs, and lit it with our match. We ate for a while, then saved the rest. All of a sudden we heard Claudius Templesmith. His voice boomed from the sky.
"Tomorrow at noon, there will be a feast at the cornucopia."
"Yeah right, another blood bath no thanks" I said sarcastically
|Now hold on. Some of you may be declining my invitation. But this is no ordinary feast. Each of you needs something desperately. Each of you will find that something in a backpack marked with your district number, at the Cornucopia at dawn. Think hard about refusing to show up. For some of you, this will be your last chance.”
Me and Char thought about it for a long time. Then Char had an idea
"Why don't we hide inside the Cornucopia. We will leave early in the morning. And wait there, when the bags appear, or we are allowed to grab them, we will. Then we will run back here." Char said confidently
"How do you think of these things" I said jokingly
She blushed again.

It was time for us to leave. We packed up, and made our way to the cornucopia. We were slow, and careful. Were in. It's big in here. The only thing we can do is now wait
One hour goes by
Two hours go by
Another 4 hours go by
2 more house until noon
"Lets up non of the others get here on time"
"Yeah, but let's make a plan. How will we do this" said Char
"Well, you're fast. You grab the packs, and I will stand there protecting you. Once you're in the brush, I will run back too"
We went back and forth, then agreed on my original plan. It was time,
A horn went off, indicating it was time and we went.
She our packs and ran, my bow was ready. She was in the brush. Safe. Now it was my turn to get in safe. I saw Thresh. A big male. He had his eyes set on me, and that's when Katniss appeared. He turned and focused on Katniss. I ran, not daring to look back at the battle.
We looked in our packs. Food, more arrows, 2 daggers, two gallons of water and more iodine. We were running low on it.
"Not bad'
"Not at all"
A canon went off. 9 more too go.
Then another, 8 more to go.

That night the pictures of the tributes flashed on the screen. Cato, and Thresh are dead. We set camp back up, and drifted off to sleep.