The 74th Hunger Games of Panem

Two Winning Tributes

"Holy shit it's hot" exclaimed Char
It was, the game makers could do anything they wanted.
I got up, and hunted. I climbed down the tree, and got my bow and arrow ready. I looked around to make sure no one was hiding, then started to hunt.
I got a rabbit. I shot it in the leg so it was still alive. I stabbed it in the throat, and kept going.
Another rabbit. Should be enough for both of us. I went back and saw that Char had already made a fire.
"Two rabbits"
"Nice, one for each of us"
We skinned the rabbits, and cleaned them. We stuck them on a stick and roasted them over the fire. We savored each bite, then a canon went off.
"Finally" she said calmly
"They're killing each other off"
I kissed her on the cheek, and we ate the rest of the rabbit. Then another canon went off.
There must of been a chase. I hope its Katniss and Peeta. I don't know how no one has killed them yet. Everyone hates them.
We decided it was time to find another tree. We need to keep moving. If someone is watching us, they will know our habits. We walked for 45 minutes until we came along a stream. We followed the stream for another 15 minutes and then stopped.
"Whoa, that's a big tree" said Char
"I know" I said in excitement.
Then suddenly Claudius Templesmith's voice came back.
"Hello tributes! You have made it so far. There are 6 people left, and our game maker has decided to change the rules. If both tributes from one district are still standing by the end of them games, both will be declared winner! Good luck, and may the odds ever be in your favors!"
"Did you hear that!" said Char excitedly.
I grabbed her, and hugged her. I spun her around. We stopped, and kissed. The crowd must be going nuts. To make the crowd go a little more insane, I layed her down and it changed into a passionate french kiss.
We got back up, and set up the huge tree. We set up camp in a fork in the tree.
"I'm gunna go get some berries. I saw some down the stream. There was a bush"
"Okay, I'll come"
"No, you get some meat" she smiled
I couldn't say no, so she went off and I went looking for a turkey, so something. There. There's one. I steadied my shot. I pulled back my arrow and that's when I heard it