The 74th Hunger Games of Panem


The canon went off and I ran. I ran the same way Char left. This was a camp. So maybe she killed another tribute. My mind was racing. I ran around looking for her.
That's when I saw her.
Char was lifeless on the ground, with black berries in her hand. I dropped to the muddy ground and cried.
She's dead. Gone. I didn't want the claw to take her up and away.
I stayed at her side holding her hand and crying. She was beautiful. Her amber eyes open staring into a never ending gaze. I closed her eyes.
I backed away one hundred yards and watched the giant claw pick up her lifeless body. I was alone. I sat on the ground and sobbed.
After 20 minutes, I got up and walked back to my camp. I climbed the tree and sat. I felt like I wanted to die, I felt like giving up. So I did. I crawled into the sheets and went to sleep.

I think I have been asleep for a while. I remember hearing the first anthem, and then seeing Char on the screen. Beautiful. After that I went back to sleep, and I heard the second anthem. That means I have been sleeping for two full days. It's early morning. The heat hasn't set in yet. I take some of the meat left over and gnaw on it. My stomach is starving. So I eat all the food in the pack. I was full.
That's when I got my first present from a sponsor. The silver parachute had a box on the end of the strings. It fell graciously, and landed on my feet. I opened it up and saw a little cupcake. On it was words. It said
"Don't give up. Do it for Char"
They even put my nickname for her on it. I knew I couldn't give up. Char would be mad if I did.
I soon became raged. I cleaned my arrows packed up my camp. I made it down the tree. I took a knife, and whipped it at a turkey. It was baby, but I didn't care. It was time to get revenge for my love.
I made it back to the camp where Char got the berries. That's were I saw them for the first time. It was Katniss and Peeta.
They had their backs turned on me. They're were talking quite loud, and about their lives after the games if they both survived. I stifled a laugh seeing as though they took that away from me. So I was going to take it away from them.
Peeta turned around and i threw the knife with the amber pendant into his face. A canon went off.
Katniss turned around, and threw a knife. She missed and started running. I got my bow and arrow set, and ran after her, I let one go, and it missed her by a foot. This time I was not going to miss.
I set my other one up.
I let it go, and it struck her in the back. She toppled over. I laughed uncontrollably. The canon didn't go off. So i stabbed her in the stomach.
Moments later the second canon went off.
Three tributes left.