The 74th Hunger Games of Panem

Our Apperence

All of the tributes are on chariots, in order of our districts. There are all sorts of people here. I see two tributes from district 12. They are on fire. I think that's a stupid idea for a costume
"I hope they catch on fire" I say jokingly
Char laughs. The anthem starts to play, and the huge doors open. He enter a huge stadium with thousands of screams, and hollering. Most of the attention are on the tributes from district 12. I don't get whats so great about it. Its dangerous really. Anyway, the crowd loves us too.
We wave, and smile to the crowd, but I can't take my eyes off of Char. Shes so beautiful. She is wearing tight pants that outline her curves, and a very tight shirt. We both have the same hats on, except that the fox faces on the end of Char's strings are more feminine.
Once we are through the crowd, we get led to a hotel type thing. There are elevators going to each floor. Every district has their own floor. Me and Char go up to the 5th floor. Waiting for us are Cameron, Helen, and all of our designers.
"You both did wonderful!" Cynthia and Maggie shriek.
"Fabulous" says Jordan sarcastically
Cameron comes up to me. He shakes my hand and brings me close.
"I saw you. Your eyes were on Charlotte the whole time. I know you like her. Now I know how you will act in front of the camera's" says Cameron quietly "remember, the training with me is at 12, training with Helen is at 1, then at 2 you are in the training section. This is were you will practicably with weapons"
"Thanks" I say
They all leave, and me and Char have minutes alone.
"Excited for training tomorrow?" I say
"Yeah, but I don't want them to think we hate each other you know."
"Agreed, we'll alliance when we get into the arena?" I ask
"Defiantly, did you see some of the career tributes?!"
"Yes! They're big. They're strong. but were smart."
All of a sudden Helen comes in and hurry's us off into bed. Even though it is 9:00, we are sent to bed. I guess it is a good thing. We have a long day tomorrow.
I walk to my quarter. I open the door, and am amazed by it. It is awesome. Everything is blue. My favorite color.
I decide to take a shower, and then go to sleep. The shower is odd, instead of a warm and cold dial, and a shower head, it has buttons. You can choose how the water comes out - light rain, heavy rain, normal, mist, and 7 others.
I finish the shower, throw on a pair of pajama pants and go to bed.