The 74th Hunger Games of Panem


I woke up. Put on our training clothes, and walked to Char's room. I knocked on the door, and waited for a moment, then the door opened.
"Hey Hance"
"Ready for training?" she says
And with that we are off. We were told last night to wait outside the elevator at 11:45. We are 5 minutes early, so we wait at the elevator and make small talk. We make fun of the tributes from district 12. We hate them. They were holding hands, and it didn't seem real. Also the girl looked really nervous. I wonder what she will be like in the arena.
We both decide to ask Helen what their names are so we know for the arena.
"HELLO TRIBUTES!" yells Helen from down the hall
"Oh lord, Little Miss Gross is coming" Char says
I can't help bu burst out in laughter. We go down to the basement of the hotel type thing, and each district has an area. We go to the area labelled DISTRICT 5. Char goes with Helen first, and I'm with Cameron.
"Hey bud" he says
"Hey lets get started!" I saw
He asks me how I want to be portrayed in the interviews with Cesar. We try, harsh, mean ,scared, and nervous. Non are suitable. So we try a good, well-rounded guy. It works. I was dreading on Cameron to say this, but he brought it up
"So, you like Charlotte don't you"
I blush, and I guess that gives Cameron is answer.
"You're gunna confess your love to her. The crowd will love it"
"I don't know man"
"Trust me Hance, they will go crazy. Katniss and Peeta from district 12 are already dating, so that won't be as exciting. Confessing your love will."
So that's their names. The idiots from district 12. I will tell Char, but I'm sure she has already asked Helen
We discuss how, and when we will say it. It takes about 50 minutes, of practicing. We don't want it to be too planned, but planned enough so I can actually do it with confidence. Right before I left Cameron gave me some advice.
"DO NOT go to the training center for where your best weapons are. Don't let the others find out what you're good with."
I say thanks and realize my time was up with Cameron, and I reluctantly went to the room with Helen Mars. I knew this was going to be the most boring-est time of my life.
"Hello Hance" she says all posh like
"Hi Helen"
All I learn to do is how to sit properly, because "my posture is atrocious" and how I will eat at the feast after the interview. It is a terrible hour, and the minutes go by as if they're hours. Finally its over, and we go to the training room.
All 24 of us are in the room. Just as Cameron told us, me and Char go to the knot practice, then to edible foods. I am itching to go to the bow and arrow practice but I can't. I am best with it. I know Char is dying to go to the knife throwing practice.
We both hold back, and practice is over. We will eat a midday meal, then go to the judges to get our scores.
We eat with Helen Mars, Cameron, and our designers. I don't really pay much attention to the conversation, just to Char's beautiful eyes