The 74th Hunger Games of Panem

Scoring and Interviews

We were in our districts room. With a tv, and 3 couches and 5 chairs. The couches were blue,pink, and green. The chairs were all white. Then the tv turned on, and I knew it was time for our scores. Cesar came onto the screen, introduced the judges, and the scoring began. District one was first
Glimmer - 9
Marvel - 8
Then district 2
Cato - 9
Clove - 7
District 3 went, then district 4. Next was our district. District 5.
Charlotte - 10
She had the best score yet. The designers were going crazy, Helen Mars was ecstatic, and Cameron did a battle cry. I was next.
Hance - 12
The room went silent for a moment or two. Then everyone started to cheer. Who would have thought I would have gotten so well. Cameron came up to me and told me
"You must be pretty damn good with that bow and arrow!"
The designers were even more crazier, and so was Helen Mars.
Char came over and gave me a meaningful, and lasting hug. I wanted to tell her I loved her then, but I knew I had to save it for the interview.
We didn't really pay attention to districts 5 to 11, but then came up district 12.
Peeta - 9
He must be good. Then without us expecting it Katniss's score came up
Katniss - 12

All of us waited behind massive oak doors. Each tribute from each district went through and talked. We didn't have that long of a wait, but Katniss and Peeta sure did. Char's name was called and she went up. She had confidence, and was being cute. Not acting like the threat she was. She was also a little held back, and cocky. A perfect mixture. After she was done. I was up. Once each tribute was finished they went back behind the oak doors and the cameras were there to see them gab. My name was called. Its my time to shine!
Cesar started off by introducing me, then it began
"Well hello Hance Dales, what an amazing score you got there"
"Yeah! I wasn't expecting it"
"Well whatever you did really impressed those judges"
"I guess so!" I stifled a laugh
" So, I really liked your outfits for the introduction walk, the foxes are really cool. I wonder what they mean"
"Me too" as I wink to Jordan
Jordan gives a smirk, a fake one, but still. A smirk
"Well I guess that means something you can't tell!"
"Haha" another wink
"So you and Charlotte are good friends said an insider"
"Oh yes we are"
"When did you meet?"
"Well in grade 3. During recess."
"How cute!"
"Yeah" I smile
"So, you got any girlfriends back home?"
I guess this is my time to tell the world I am in love with Char. I'm nervous, but I can do this. I know what to say
"Not exactly, but I can say I am in love with someone"
"Who who!" Cesar and the crowd cheer
"Well she came here with me, her name is Charlotte and she is the most beautiful girl I have ever met."
The crowd goes crazy. The tv above me switches to Char. She is blushing. Uncontrolably. She puts her hair behind her ear, and looks down. Not daring to look up, Char doesn't want everyone too see how much she is blushing.
"Well lets bring her out here"
Before I could deny it, She came through the oak doors. Stunning me with her beauty.
"Did you know this young lad loved you?"
"No, I didn't. The thing is, I've loved him ever since too." Char replied