The 74th Hunger Games of Panem

The Observers

I woke up next to Char and found her staring into my eyes. Me staring back into her amber eyes. Perfect.
"We need water" I said camly
"Yea, but how"
"We need to find it"
Me and Char packed our stuff up, put it back into our packs and climbed down the tree. Branch by branch. Before we reached the ground we inspected to make sure no one was there, then we were off.
We walked for 20 minutes until we reached it.
"I'm surprised we found some so quickly" says Chat surprised
"Me too"
We fill up our bottles, and purifie it with the iodene. We wait a couple of minutes, then drink until we can’t drink no more. Then we refill it. There is are noise. People talking.
"Lets go, people are coming" I whispered
We stayed close to the ground and got to a thick pine tree. From there we climbed again, concealed.
"Lets go guys!" said a male
"Can we fill up our water?" said a female
"No." said the male
"Yeah man, lets get water" said another male
It went silent, and then the first male replied
"Fine, lover boy"
That could only mean one person. Peeta. We studied the people, and the other girl wasn't Katniss.
"That means she's alone." Char said quietly
"Easier to kill"
They went off, and Char mentioned that we should followed them, so we can find their camp. It was a good idea, so we followed them, but not on the ground. In the trees. We climbed from tree to tree for an hour. Tired and wanting to stop, they finally did. There was there camp. Food everywhere. Must have been in their packs.
We climbed to a nearby tree, and made camp quietly. We watched them for a few hours. They all decided to leave to get food. There was an argument for who should stay, but they all went. That's when Char told me what was there.
"They have mines. In certain areas in the camp. I have been observing where they walk. Where running low on food. So how about I go in there, and get some"
"Why not?" says Char
"It's not safe"
"Hance, we need food. I know what to do"
I knew she was smart and could do it. So I let her. She climbed down the tree, and walked over to the camp. She was light on her feet so she wouldn't set off any mines. She tiptoed to each spot. Grabbed hand fulls from everything, not enough for the careers to notice. She walks over for nuts and that's when she falls. She put her hands out in front of her and made a small yelp. No mines went off. Thank the lord. After that she came back to the camp, and we decided to move back a couple of trees. Keep our distance.
We nodded off and when I woke her up, we looked up at the camp, and saw Katniss. She had a homemade bow and arrow aimed at the bag of apples. She was going to blow up the camp. First arrow. Cuts half the string. Me and Char moved to the other side of the trunk. I guess the rope snapped.
It exploded. We felt the blow, but we were okay. We looked back after a moment, and Katniss was on the ground. Maybe she's dead, or dying.
Me and Char packed up our stuff so we could get our of there before the tributes came back and started to look for the culprits. When we got there Katniss was gone. She's alive.
Char couldn't help but laugh. Manically.
I stood there and grinned. Those career tributes won't last long without food. We started to walk back into the forest, and were just eye distance to where we could see the blown up camp. That's when the careers came back.
There was yelling. The leader of the pack. Then all of a sudden her grabbed one of the tributes neck, and snap.
The cannon went off, 12 more tributes to go.