Status: comments=chapters




How can I feel? Am I not dead? I feel dead... I can't feel my heart beat, I'm not breathing, so, how am I not dead?
What is this fuzzy feeling in the back of my neck? It's like that feeling you get when you know someone is right behind you, only more intense.
My ears ache from a loud ringing in them, I wish it would stop. I feel like my head is going to explode from this. I don't understand why I am hearing this, how can anything be so loud?
My nose burns like I'm breathing in fresh winter air, but, I am so warm. It feels so wet and thick, like greasy dish water.
Is this hell? How did I die? Are my parents worried?! Do I even have parents? Is anyone missing me right now? Why can't I remember anything!? What did I do that was so bad that I deserve this?
I can't think right now, it hurts my head.
My eyes ache from a bright light above me as I pry them open. I am in some sort of pool with teal water. My arms are crossed over my small body. I feel wires and needles everywhere and I can feel something flowing out of them and into my body. It's strange ,but, not unpleasant.
I feel like I'm high on drugs. My body is numb ,but, i feel the ghost of my senses.
I open my mouth to try to call out for help ,but, that just lets the slimy substance leak in my mouth, choking my throat. I gag and begin thrashing about in an over exaggerated panic. I slam my arms around and stop when I feel a flat hard surface.
I look at the pane of plexi glass and try to see the world outside of it ,but, can only see light and shadows. The silhouette of people outside the glass were unmistakable
The only thing I am certain of now is that I am not in any hell ,but, I am in a man made torture of some sort.
I feel my face tighten in anger as I start beating at the glass shouting through the slime. I don't even notice when the IV's and wires rip from my body causing a surge of strength to fuel my fists against the glass. I no longer cared for my safety I just wanted out. I could only think about getting out of the tank even if it would kill me.
After ten seconds of thrashing about did I finally cause the glass to crack and break away. I fell out onto my knees as all the slime and glass flood around me. I had both hands on the ground for support as I coughed the green gel from my throat. The bitter taste not quite leaving my tongue.
I didn't even think about all the horrified people running from the room. Or the boy who just stared.
I then realized my body is clothed in a white plastic like short sleeved and legged body suit. I run my hands over it as if it were alien.
I only had one second to think about why I was wearing theses strange clothes before I was shrouded in a dark shadow.
I look up to see a the boy standing there with a syringe in his hand. He looks at me with a strange look before he stabs my neck with it and then I see nothing but black...