Status: Complete...thanks for all the support.

The Penguin Crush

Chapter Nineteen

The regular season was over and the playoffs were just starting. Deciding it was too much drama for me in Pittsburgh, I moved back to Chicago. Not everyone was okay with it. Okay. No one was okay with it. It was my decision and I had to make it. Living in PA was too much for me to handle. Jordan and I were going to try the whole long distance thing but I decided better of it. I don’t want Jordan to have to worry about me while I’m in another city. He needs to concentrate on hockey just like Kris. I was happy with the move to Chicago though. A new city, fresh start, and a new, better job. Ever since I moved her Jonathan and I had gotten closer than before. Along with Patrick. The only side of him I knew before was the drunk, uncaring side. But with the Summer coming up soon, things might start getting complicated. Like Jordan wanting to visit or want me to go with him to Thunder Bay still. I was looking forward to that trip, but I know it would only stir up problems…
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Yeah, I know you're probably thinking "What the hell kinda ending is that?"
I'm sorry. I just had to get this done. It was becoming very stressful.
I have finals coming up and it made me more stressed out knowing I had to write a next chapter.
I promise I'll write more. (If you guys want me to. Which I know is probably a no.)
Again, I'm sorry.
School has taken over my brain. I shouldn't end it like this, but that just means the next one will be even better.
Once again, I'm so so so so so so so so so so sorry. I love every one of you.
Please leave me feedback on whether or not I should continue this during summer.
Thank you. xoxo