Status: A work in progress...

Soap Opera Past

Chapter 1

Ember’s red eyes scanned the expanse of green before her. She had never seen anything so green before. In fact, she had never seen anything like Forks before. She walked inside the border of Forks and froze. There was another coven here. She relaxed and continued to walk. She’d be gone by the end of the school year, which was only about four months. She’d hidden from the Volturi so far; a few more months couldn’t hurt. She walked into the main town and paused. The coven was close, she could smell them. She looked across the street into one of the many diners and snarled. A group of nine was seated in the diner. Eight were vampire, one was human. The human smelled so delicious. Ember could feel venom filling her mouth. She could easily take out the human; the hard part would be getting away from the vampires. The red head of the group’s head snapped up and he zeroed in on Ember. The others turned to look at her as the red head whispered something to the human. Ember smirked slightly and continued walking down the street.

“Ember, how nice it is to see you,” a familiar Southern voice chuckled.

“Hello Jasper,” Ember smiled as she continued to walk. Jasper kept her pace as they continued to walk down the street.

“You dyed your hair,” he noticed.

“Blonde wasn’t really my color,” Ember shrugged her shoulders as she stroked her reddish brown hair.

“Too bad, I liked it blonde,” Jasper commented.

“Enough with the small talk Jasper. What do you really want?” Ember growled. Jasper’s hand encircled her wrist and forced her to stop.

“What are you doing here?” He snarled. Ember refused to look at him, her eyes on an elderly man in front of them.

“I can’t visit my brother?” Ember asked, finally looking up at him. His face was hard, but his eyes were burning with hurt and love.

“You can, but not on the Volturi’s terms,” he growled, his grip tightening.

“I’m here on my own terms brother,” Ember hissed. Ember knew she had shocked her brother, she had the same empathy powers he did, but his face betrayed nothing.

“What do you mean?” He frowned.

“I got kicked out,” Ember sighed. Jasper released his sister’s wrist and looked at her questionigly.

“How?” He demanded.

“Not here, someplace quiet,” Ember said looking around the crowded street.

“We can go to my home. You can meet my new family.” Jasper smiled, the thought of his sister meeting his new family making him giddy.

“No, the more people that know, the harder it will be for me to stay under the Volturi’s radar.” Ember grabbed Jasper’s arm and started towing him in the opposite direction.

“I know the perfect place,” Jasper smirked.

“Lead then brother,” Ember chuckled.

“That was always my best quality,” Jasper laughed.

“And mine was divide and conquer,” Ember smirked.

Jasper led his sister onto First Beach in La Push. Ever since the Cullen’s had saved the wolves they had been able to go onto each other’s territories.

“It smells like wet dog,” Ember said as she wrinkled her nose.

“Werewolf territory,” Jasper chuckled.

“Gross,” Ember sighed and sat on the sand.

“Tell me,” Jasper ordered as he sat next to her.

“You know how they bring in tourists?” Ember sighed.

“Yes,” Jasper nodded.

“I usually pretend to be busy; I don’t like killing innocent people, only the bad guys. This time though, Aro made me stay. When everyone had finished he noticed that I hadn’t bitten anyone. They found a little girl who had been separated from her mother and ordered me to kill her. I refused. They said either she died, or I did.”

Jasper winced as the thought of his sister dying at the hands of the evil vampire government.

“What did you do?” Jasper asked.

“I refused again. I said how about you die Aro? Then… then I attacked him.
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Kind of short, only the first chapter. Rate, comment, and subscribe if you like it so far.