Status: A work in progress...

Soap Opera Past

Chapter 2

Jasper led his sister onto First Beach in La Push. Ever since the Cullen’s had saved the wolves they had been able to go onto each other’s territories.

“It smells like wet dog,” Ember said as she wrinkled her nose.

“Werewolf territory,” Jasper chuckled.

“Gross,” Ember sighed and sat on the sand.

“Tell me,” Jasper ordered as he sat next to her.

“You know how they bring in tourists?” Ember sighed.

“Yes,” Jasper nodded.

“I usually pretend to be busy; I don’t like killing innocent people, only the bad guys. This time though, Aro made me stay. When everyone had finished he noticed that I hadn’t bitten anyone. They found a little girl who had been separated from her mother and ordered me to kill her. I refused. They said either she died, or I did.”

Jasper winced as the thought of his sister dying at the hands of the evil vampire government.

“What did you do?” Jasper asked.

“I refused again. I said how about you die Aro? Then… then I attacked him.

“You attacked him!?” Jasper yelled, then covered his mouth. Better that the wolves didn’t know they were here.

“I tackled him, saw his guards coming then ran. They’ve been after me ever since,” Ember said as she traced patterns in the sand.

“What about Alec? Aren’t you two engaged, or engaged to be engaged, or something?” Jasper asked.

“Yeah, and it hurt to leave him behind, but I had to. I’m not dragging more people into this than there already are. So, gonna change the subject. Can I meet your family? They don’t need to know why exactly I’m here, but it would be nice to meet them.” Jasper looked down into his sisters eyes as a huge smile spread across his face. He leaned down and placed a small kiss on her forehead.

“Of course. Just be careful around Emmett, the strong looking one, and Rosalie, the blonde. They just broke up after like 100 years. They still have fresh wounds and we don’t want you pouring salt and lemon juice into them.” Jasper chuckled.

“Brother,” Ember gasped. “I am offended that you would even think of me like that! When have I ever made a wound worse?”

Jasper gave her a look and they both burst out laughing.

“Let’s go,” he chuckled and ran, Ember chasing after him.

He stopped in front of a three story eggshell white house and grinned.

“Here we are,” he smiled.

“It’s so pretty,” Ember giggled.

“Make sure to tell Esme. She takes pride in her decorating skills.” Jasper unlocked the door and held it open for Ember. Ember stepped in and was instantly pinned to the wall. The red head from earlier was in front of her, fangs bared.

“Get off,” Ember hissed, her red eyes now black and her fangs springing from their gummy confines. The red head snarled as Ember’s hands touched his stomach. She pushed and he went flying into the wall.

“Edward!” The human squealed in an annoyingly high pitched voice. Ember rolled her eyes and looked to Jasper, who had a look of admiration and disapproval on his face.

“I do what I need to do to protect myself. Don’t get all fussy about it,” Ember teased Jasper. Jasper and Ember laughed and everyone else in the room looked at them in confusion.

“Oh my God, Jasper just laughed,” a black haired boy chuckled, which made everyone laugh harder.

“Jasper, who is this?” A pretty, brown haired woman asked. Ember felt the tension in the room and instantly looked at their eyes.

“When did you become a veggie head?” Ember snapped at Jasper.

“Ember…,” Jasper sighed and touched her shoulder.

“You promised!” Ember yelled and pushed Jasper so hard that he flew into the door, knocking it off of its hinges. The human screamed and Ember covered her ears.

“Will someone shut off the squealing death machine? It hurts my ears!” Ember snarled at the human. The red head lunged at her, but Ember grabbed his shoulders and slammed him into the ground.

“Listen dude, I’ve had my fair share of human loves, but every time someone bad mouths your lover doesn’t give you an excuse to attack!” Ember snarled. The boy looked up at her in shock, a small amount of fear resonating within him. Ember pushed off of him and took a step away.

“I’m very sorry,” Ember said to the brown haired woman. The woman looked at her in surprise, shocked by her apology.

“It’s… it’s quite alright,” the woman sighed.

“I’m Ember,” Ember smiled sweetly.

“Esme,” the woman smiled back. Something glinted off of Ember’s right hand and Esme examined it closely.

“Oh, are you engaged?” She asked. Ember looked down at her hand and sighed, almost wishing that she could cry.

“I was, wasn’t sure what you would call it now,” Ember muttered.

“Jazz?” A bell like voice called out. Everyone’s eyes went to the top of the staircase. A short, pixie-like girl, with short, choppy black hair, and golden brown eyes. She danced down the stairs and straight into Jasper’s arms.

“Hey Al. There’s someone I’d like you to meet,” he smiled as he looked over at his sister.

“Who’s this?” Alice asked a little defensively as she saw the looks that Jasper and Ember were sharing.

“Don’t worry, I’m not an ex lover or anything, and tone down on the jealousy, not my favorite emotion to feel,” Ember teased.

“You’re an empath like Jazz?” The black haired boy asked.

“Well, Aro told me that siblings usually share the same powers when their changed,” Ember said as she shielded her thoughts, something she was accustomed to around the Volturi.

“You and Jasper are related?” A blonde haired girl asked. That must be Rosalie. She was beautiful, but Ember knew she must have been very pig headed.

“Yep, blood related. There was a vampire attack on our town a couple days after Maria turned Jazzy here and he tried to save me, but he was a little too late. We’d look more alike if I hadn’t dyed my hair.” Ember glanced around the room, taking in every Cullen.

So far she liked Esme and Alice the best. Then there was the annoying human, the territorial red head, the strangely interested in everything black haired male, a quiet blonde haired man, and… wait, someone was missing.

“Where’s Emmett?” The human asked as if she had read Ember’s mind.

“Emmett?” Esme called. There was a grunting noise upstairs and a high pitched squeal.

“Is he banging a chick?” Ember giggled. Alice, the black haired boy, and Jasper all laughed with her.

“Sounds like it,” Jasper chuckled.

“Emmett, we have a guest,” the blonde man sighed.

“Let’s introduce everyone while he finishes up. This is Carlisle, Rosalie, Ronald, Edward, and Bella,” Jasper smiled as he pointed to the blonde male, blonde female, black haired male, the red head, and the human.

“Nice to meet you,” Ember smiled. Edward and Rosalie ignored her while Bella, Carlisle, and Ronald gave her a polite head nod.

“He’s finished,” Alice said three seconds before Emmett yelled.

“Gross,” Ember growled. A loud stomping ensued and finally a man with curly, black hair, perfectly chiseled features, bulging muscles, pitch black eyes, and the perfect body in history appeared at the top of the stairs, a leggy blonde attached to his hip.

“Hello everyone,” the man said, sounding a little drunk.

“Emmett, we have a guest,” Esme scolded. Emmett’s eyes landed on Ember and his face fell. His eyes were locked on her, taking her all in.

“Well, hello,” he smirked.

“Hi,” Ember snapped.

“You can go Jenny,” Emmet snarled and Jenny took off down the stairs and out the door.

“Who are you?” Emmett asked as he walked down the stairs.

“Ember, I’m Jasper’s sister,” Ember stated as Emmett stopped in front of her.

“Red eyes, sexy,” he leaned down so his face was inches from her own.

“Me twisting your arm off, hot,” Ember snarled. Emmett chuckled and gripped her wrist. Jasper snarled and tensed his muscles, but didn’t move.

“Why don’t you come upstairs with me?” Emmett smirked. Rosalie gasped and snarled at Ember.

“No thanks, I don’t do sloppy seconds,” Ember hissed. Emmett looked as if someone punched him really hard in the gut. The drunken haze that seemed to have been misting his eyes lifted and he now looked at Ember clearly.

“Ember,” Jasper warned. Ember ignored her brother and pushed Emmett away.

“If I were you, I’d stop screwing around and get a life,” Ember snarled. She stormed out the door and stalked into the woods behind their house. She heard Jasper following her but ignored him, travelling deeper and deeper into the woods.

“What did I tell you Ember!?” Jasper yelled.

“Be sensitive around the broken hearts,” Ember snarled.

“And why did you just do the exact opposite?” Jasper snarled as Ember froze.

“Because when he looked at me, I… I felt something,” Ember sighed.
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