Status: A work in progress...

Soap Opera Past

Chapter 3

“What do you mean? Felt what?” Jasper asked.

“A fluttering, in my… my chest,” Ember stuttered.

“A fluttering?” Jasper smirked.

“Why are you smiling?” Ember frowned.

“You my dear sister, are in love with my brother,” Jasper laughed.

“Am not,” Ember snapped.

“Why are you so angry? Emmett needs someone,” Jasper frowned.

“But I don’t. I’ve had more drama in one month than most people have in their entire life. I can’t risk bringing someone into that,” Ember growled.

“Just come back with me, ease into things,” Jasper pleaded.

“I’m just doing this for you,” Ember frowned. Jasper smiled and put a strong arm around her shoulders. He led her inside and they sat on the couch with everyone. Some movie was on, but Ember didn’t pay attention, she was too busy focusing on Emmett, who was sitting right beside her. Absentmindedly, he put his arm on the back of the couch, his fingers brushing her shoulder. One by one, the other Cullen’s left, until, finally, only Emmett and Ember remained. Ember glanced at Emmett from the corner of her eyes, only to notice that his face was turned towards her, his eyes boring into her head.

“Yes?” Ember asked, turning slightly so that she could look at him.

“I’m sorry about my behavior earlier, it was very inappropriate,” he said, a tiny amount of lust coming off of him.

“Apology accepted,” Ember smirked. Emmett smirked back and licked his lips. Without warning, Emmett grabbed Ember’s waist and pulled her so she was straddling his waist. Ember looked at him in shock as he tangled a huge hand in her hair. He pulled her down and smashed their lips together. A snarl erupted from Ember’s chest as she raked her nails down his chest. Emmett growled deep in his throat as he squeezed Ember’s hips. Ember pulled away and unbuttoned Emmett’s shirt, revealing his pale, muscled chest. He looked up at her with lust filled, black eyes.

“I want you,” he whispered in a rough, scratchy voice. Ember had never felt the way she was feeling before. Maybe it had to do with the fact that Ember was feeling lust and was also feeding off of Emmett’s lust, or maybe because she had never felt the feelings she felt for Emmett before with anyone.

“I want you too,” Ember snarled as Emmett ripped open her shirt. Emmett wrapped Ember’s legs around his waist and picked her up, Ember’s arms going around his neck. He carried her up the stairs and into what she assumed was his room. He nipped her neck, a throaty moan escaping her lips. He flopped them onto a couch and the sound of tearing fabric filled the room.

Ember’s eyes shot open and a small gasp left her mouth. Someone groaned beside her and a pair of arms tightened around her. Ember looked to her left and saw Emmett, his eyes on her face.

“Good morning,” he croaked. Ember’s eyes widened as she felt his fingers dance up her naked thigh.

“Did I…? Did we…?” Ember stuttered.

“Have sex? Yes, and it was amazing,” Emmett muttered into her neck. Ember shot up and looked at him in surprise. Emmett flipped onto his side and raked his eyes over her naked body.

“What’s wrong?” He muttered.

“This never should have happened,” Ember said as she pulled her underwear and pants on. She looked around for her shirt and found it in shreds across the room. She sighed and Emmett sat up, the sheet that had appeared out of nowhere covering his lap.

“What do you mean?” He asked as he put on his boxers and a pair of shorts. He went to his closet and tossed Ember an old button up shirt. She put it on and tied it above her belly button and rolled up the sleeves.

“This thing between us… it’s not going to happen,” Ember sighed. Emmett looked at her in surprise, hurt replacing his excited feelings.

“But, last night…,” Emmett whimpered.

“Was nothing, I wasn’t thinking straight,” Ember said, her hand on the doorknob. Emmett’s hand went on top of hers, Ember’s chest constricting with the contact.

“Ember,” he whispered. Ember forced herself not to look at him, her eyes on his hand on top of hers.

“I think, I think I might be falling for you.” Ember wasn’t surprised at the words coming out of his mouth. As a vampire, feelings were enhanced and relationships were developed much more quickly.

“Well, I’m not falling for you.” Ember had to force the next few words she said. “You were a one night thing. You mean nothing to me.”

Emmett’s hand flew away from her own and Ember flung open the door. She walked down the stairs and heard Emmett angrily pacing and cursing in his room.

“Em?” Jasper asked from the kitchen. Ember remained silent as she ran out the front door. She ran to First Beach, remembering exactly where it was.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this one is kind of short, next one will be even better because we are meeting Jake! Comment, rate and sunscribe!