Status: A work in progress...

Soap Opera Past

Chapter 4

The wet dog smell was stronger today and Ember felt her stomach heave at the stink.

“What’s a leech doing here?” A deep voice snarled. Ember looked up and saw four insanely tall boys, all tan, all strong, and all smelling of dogs.

“Who are you and what are you doing here?” The one that had called her a leech asked.

“Just strolling along the beach,” Ember smirked. The one that had addressed her snarled.

“Paul, calm down,” the blonde one growled. Paul glared at the blonde on then turned his gaze back to Ember.

“Are you a Cullen?” The blonde one asked.

“Of course she’s not Seth, just look at her eyes,” Paul snarled. The other two boys chuckled slightly.

“As a matter of fact, I’m Jasper Hale’s sister,” Ember snarled. Everyone stopped laughing and stared at her in shock.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Seth, you know Paul, and that’s Embry and Quil,” Seth smiled.

“Nice to meet you,” Ember smiled slightly.

“Qwuill!” A shrill voice giggled. Something slammed into Ember’s leg. Ember looked down and saw a small girl with butter blonde hair and bright green eyes. Quil tensed as the little girl started crying.

“Shh, it’s okay,” Ember said in a soothing voice as she picked up the little girl. Quil started to shake as Ember brought the crying girl closer to her.

“I’m Ember, what’s your name?” Ember smiled.

“Claire,” the little girl sniffled.

“That’s a very pretty name Claire,” Ember giggled. Claire laughed with her.

“You’re vewy pwetty Ember,” Claire laughed.

“Not as pretty as you,” Ember laughed.

“Qwuill!” Claire laughed as she saw Quil. Ember passed Claire to Quil, a small amount of relief in his eyes, now that Claire was out of Ember’s arms.

“I don’t hunt the innocent,” Ember instructed them. “I’m not a blood thirsty monster. I have more restraint that you think.”

Quil and Embry chuckled.

“Ember!” Claire giggled as Quil set her on the ground.

“Yes, Claire?” Ember asked as she squatted down so that she was eye level with Claire.

“Would you like to come to Emiwy’s house?” She asked. Ember looked up at the boys, confused.

“Our Alpha’s mate’s house,” Seth explained.

“I don’t know Claire, they might not like me,” Ember frowned.

“Pwease? I like you. They should like you too!” Claire clapped her tiny hands. Ember looked up at the four boys. Paul refused to look at her, Seth was smiling, Quil had his eyes on Claire, and Embry just shrugged his shoulders.

“Um, sure, I’d love to come,” Ember smiled. Claire let out a high pitched squeal, causing Ember to wince.

“Was I too woud?” Claire asked.

“No, it’s ok Claire. I just have very sensitive ears,” Ember smiled weakly. Just then, a familiar scent hit Ember’s nose. Ember shot up so quickly that she scared Claire, making her fall onto her butt. Quil growled at Ember as Claire started to cry.

“Get Claire somewhere safe,” Ember warned her eyes on the forest.

“Why, what’s…,” Paul asked, but Ember put up a hand.

“Do it,” Ember snarled. Claire started to wail harder. Ember bent down and picked her up.

“Claire you have to be quiet,” Ember frowned.

“You scawed me,” Claire sobbed.

“Wanna play a game?” Ember asked. Claire stopped crying and nodded her head.

“Embry and Quil are gonna hide with you and I’m gonna come find you. Does that sound like fun?” Ember smiled.

“Yes!” Claire squealed.

“I’m going to count to twenty ok? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7…” Embry and Quil set off, Claire tightly clutched in Quil’s arms.

“What is it?” Seth asked.

“I don’t know. I just know it’s bad,” Ember explained. Ember quietly crept into the forest, Seth and Paul right behind her. Ember stopped and jumped into the nearest tree.

“God Dammit!” Ember hissed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, this one is super short. And I kind of lied. We will see Jacob in a few chapters.