Status: A work in progress...

Soap Opera Past

Chapter 6

“Hello my dear Ember,” Aro smiled, his arms opened.

“Hello father.” Aro had ordered her to call him father, something that made her very uncomfortable.

“You’re in for a treat today,” Aro smirked.

“Why?” Ember whispered.

“You have some friends here to see you. And if you do what I say, I’ll let you live,” Aro smiled.

“Friends?” Ember asked in surprise. Aro motioned towards the door and Ember turned. The guards were bringing in the entire Cullen family. Ember and Jasper ran at each other, but Jane and Alec cut them off. Alec grabbed Ember’s arm and jerked her away. Emmett hissed at Alec, but he and Ember ignored him.

“Come fiancé, watch your friend’s punishment,” Alec smirked as he held her back.

“Punishment?” Ember asked.

“For harboring a criminal,” Jane giggled.

“I loved you and you’d do this to me?” Ember snarled. Alec shrugged, a stupid grin on his face. Ember threw Alec off and rushed towards the Cullen’s. Jane put her arms around Ember’s neck while Alec gripped her arm, tugging on it. The Cullen’s looked at them in shock. Emmett looked as if he were about to die himself.

“I’ll take their punishment,” Ember sighed. Alec grinned and twisted her arm, a large crack echoing around the room. Ember creamed and Emmett raced towards her. Four guards held him back as Alec continued to twist her arm.

“Stop!” Aro yelled. Alec and Jane dropped Ember, who held her arm to her as it healed slowly.

“Why did you stop us?” Alec growled.

“She’s very important to the vampire community,” Aro smirked.

“How so?” Carlisle asked, placing a hand on Ember’s shoulder. Ember looked down at his hand and then threw him a small smile.

“She has a very mysterious past that could help us gain more control over rogues and newborns,” Aro smirked.

“How will it help?” Ember snarled. Another hand gripped hers and Ember looked down at it. Emmett’s hand was clutching hers, almost like if he let go, she’d disappear.

“Grab the big one,” Aro commanded. Without thinking, Ember hissed and stood in front Emmett, snarling at anyone who got close. Aro looked at her in mild surprise, a smirk spreading across his face.

“What have we here?” Aro chuckled. Ember straightened up and took a step away from Emmett, a look of embarrassment on her face.

“Two new lovers perhaps. What happened with you and Alec, aren’t you engaged?” Aro asked. Emmett snarled, which only made Aro’s smirk grow.

“I loved him once, but not anymore,” Ember growled.

“But now you love this one,” Jane scowled.

“No, I don’t.” Emmett’s pain smashed into her like a boulder. Aro laughed, a high pitched, evil, spin tingling laugh.

“Let’s make a deal. I’ll let them go, if you stay and work for the Volturi.” Aro’s eyes bore into hers, waiting for an answer.

“Ok.” Emmett and Jasper snarled while Aro and Alec smirked.
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Sorry, this one is like super short, next one will be longer, promise.