Status: Hecho!

Falling From the Sky


One more band played afterwards. I stuck around for a song or two but didn't need to take pictures, so I headed outside. I figured it couldn't be too hard to find that guitar dude; or any member of Black Veil Brides for that matter. They definitely had their own style. I spotted the bass player talking to a small group of guys. I'm not going to lie to you, I was pretty scared. This guy just looked intimidating and like he could brake you... it was his face. It sounds weird, but I'm serious. As I stepped up to the group, the guys were saying goodbye. They went off towards the parking lot and the bass player turned towards me.

"Ah!" he said as he spotted the camera I held in my hand, "Jake told me to look out for you." he said.

"Really?" I asked a little shocked.

"Yeah, I'm Ashley." he told me as he held out his hand.

"Jaime," I said as we shook.

"Come," he said, waving me on to follow him. I trailed behind him up to a black van. "Jake!" he called as he popped his head into the passenger side window.


"Your girl, the pictures," Ashley said. A couple of seconds later, the back doors opened and the guitarist emerged.

"Hey! Awesome, I was hoping you wouldn't ditch." he smiled.

"Never," I laughed lightly. We introduced ourselves and he reached into the van pulling out a black macbook.

"Follw me," he said and once again I followed after a band member. We went out towards the parking lot. Jake stopped at a small loading dock and placed his computer down. He asked me where I was from, how interested I was in photography - just a few little things as he turned on the laptop.

"May I?" he asked as he pointed at my camera.

"Go for it," I told him. He popped out the memory card and stuck it into his computer.

"So," he said as he turned to me, "White?" he asked.

I smiled a little and nodded."Well, I like to think of it as silver." I said as I pulled at a few light bits of my hair.

Naturally my hair was a brown color with a liiiitle hint of red. I'd grown up with it always that boring, plain, same old. So last year I took the leap of faith. I dyed certain parts of it this silver-white color. When properly styled, it's quite the spectacle.

As the pictures continued to upload, Jake and I talked about hair colors, and failed experiments. He said he'd had a phase but was afraid to do anything now because it might end up weird.

"Oh please," I laughed "nothing would look bad on you. It'd only make you more badass... varying degrees of badass yes, but badass non the less." He cracked a smile, squinting his eye at me slightly.

"You are quite the character." he said.

"Yeah, I try." I said, taking a deeo breath.

The computer made a noise indicating it had finished. Jake popped out the memory card and I stuck it back into the camera as he opened the folder titled with todays date. We both leaned towards the screen as he started going through the pictures. We laughed at a few and he freaked out about a couple. This guy was so much fun to hang out with. I dreaded that soon we'd run out of a need to chill out like this.The first pictured I'd taken of the singer when he'd kneeled in front of me popped up on the screen.

"Holy crap, Jaime." Jake gasped.

I stared at the eyes that were crystal clear on the computer screen.

He was staring straight back at me.

"Woooah," a deep voice sounded from behind us.