I Only Have Eyes for You

I Only have Eyes for You

Faige Bowman whipped her calculator against the felt wall in the back of the empty McKinley choir room as hard as her skinny arm would let her. It slammed and snapped the batteries out before clattering to the floor. It wasn’t nearly satisfying enough.

Her hands shook. Itching for something to touch, to hit, to destroy, she sat down at the lonely piano and pounded out a cacophonous note. Then another. Then another. The ominous sound punctuated her angry pulsations.

Sam Evans entered the room. Scrunching his face, he said in his slightly southern accent “that is NOT a pretty sound...” Then, he noticed the slumping of her shoulders- the sadness in her quivering lip. “What’s wrong?” He asked.

Faige stopped her angry piano playing and took in a deep breath. She sheepishly wiped the mascara-blackened tears from her cheekbone. “Finn cheated on me.” She whispered.

“Finn WHAT?!”

“With Quinn... God, Sam, I’m such an idiot. I wasted two years of my life on that kid because I thought, no matter what the problem, we could work it out. This is just too far. Of all the people in the world, I NEVER expected him to do something like this. If I had known...”

“If you had known... what?” Sam asked when Faige trailed off. She looked back at him with urging words in her eyes, but blinked them away as quickly as the welling tears.

“Nothing,” she grumbled, getting up and starting to pace, running a hand through her long, cottonwood brown hair. “Ugh, I just want to DO something, you know? Not even to get back at him, but just something to help me let all of this go... Make me forget the good times...” she threw a shaky hand over her mouth as she held in a sob. Sam looked on with a breaking heart.

“Come here...” He whispered, pulling her into a hug.

“I’m sorry, I know girly-emotional outbreaks aren’t exactly your forte,” Faige said into his warm, sheltering shoulder. “I’ll pull myself together in time for rehearsal. Promise.”

“Don’t be sorry,” Sam replied, trying to not be distracted by Faige’s sweet-smelling hair, flowery like the summers in Tennessee. “You’re the last person who has a reason to be sorry.”

They pulled apart just enough to look at each other face-to-face. Their eyes locked like they had time after time in the past, only now, instead of a silly face or teasing jab, the two pairs of green eyes shared a heart-stopping moment, which seemed to shout in the silent choir room “nothing can stop you now.”

Sam leaned in and placed his pouty lips on Faige’s, holding her body in a way that was both gracefully gentle and hotly needy. They pulled apart slowly and unwillingly, but the moment Faige’s eyes fluttered back open, she jumped back.

“Oh God,” Sam said, alarmed. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. Totally taking advantage of you, you’re vulnerable, it’s not right. Please don’t get mad. I just-”

Faige cut him off with another, more demanding kiss. She took his smooth, light face in her hands.

Shocked for only a second, Sam moved back into the kiss and pressed Faige up against the edge of the piano. Gripping the back of her Taylor Swift T-Shirt, he let out a soft moan. The feeling of being so close to Faige was insanely euphoric.

“What made you do that?” Faige whispered against his lips, reluctant to pull away but also overcome by her sudden emotional shift. “I mean, we’re always teasing each other and being goofballs and laughing about your player ways. Is that what this is?”

Sam instantly shook his head. “Not at all,” he smiled. “Yeah, I’m good at hooking up with girls. The smooth-talking and all that. I mean, when you’re going into with the expectation of nothing more than physical, it’s easy... It’s when you actually have feelings for someone that makes it hard. That’s why it was always easier to tease you like a third-grade boy than flirt. Truth is, Faige, I only have eyes for you.”