Brother...I'm sorry

Chapter 2

My blood began to run cold at the thought of that night. The night that killed me, after that night everything became too much. My world began to spiral out of control worse than before…Life led me to that train track. I was fed up with everything…so I decided to end it all. That cold winters night at five to eight I stood in the middle of a train track, but Zack caught me, he saw the suicide note before I intended and followed me to the tracks. He grabbed me and pushed me off the tracks just in time to avoid the eight o clock train from London. But…it was too late for him. The loud squish was all I needed to hear to know that my brother, the only family and friend I had, died because of me.

Forgetting where I was I fell to my knees and began to cry. I cried for the parents I lost, for the brother I killed. So tell me now, is life really fare? No it’s not. I’m done fighting to survive in this stinking life. You can’t tell me life is fare! Blinded by my tears I got to my feet and wobbled the rest of the way. Again no one dared to ask why a seventeen year old girl was crying; as usual no one gave a damn. If it doesn’t concern them nobody cares. The worst thing is nobody cares, nobody cares my brother is dead because of me just like they don’t care that I was left behind. Why should they? After all I’m just a lonely cutter

After about another minutes of walking I finally reached my destination. Despite my journey coming to an end I still felt empty inside, I’m nothing but a hollowed out shell of my former self. Destined to remain alone is this goddamn existence the gods have cursed me with. Quietly I walked over to the old track to where a small bouquet of white roses was placed.
“I know you can’t hear me Zack” I said keeping my focus on the roses “I hope you liked the roses, I’ll see you soon brother…I’m coming home”

This is the only path left for me, this isn’t worth is anymore, not without him. As I stepped onto the same track as last time I kept my eyes on the never changing sky. Even now the sky still looks dull and grey; there was nothing good about the sky for me. Even the clouds remained unable to smile, lost in the endless abyss of the sky. I started to feel the vibration of the train on the tracks, the horn echoing down the track, gradually getting louder. This is it, my redemption is getting nearer, and I can finally be free from this endless black abyss of life. The act has been chosen, the deed about to be complete. I’m free, finally I can be free. I took one last look at the dull sky also lost in the same black abyss as me. Maybe one day we’ll both be able to smile