Status: They say that love is forever, your forever is all that I need.

Let Live.


/I don't say the most appropriate things and my words can be cold as stone.
How can you love someone like this? You must think I'm a lunatic./

The glass shattered on the floor as the body tumbled to the grown. Crying.

The girl had been use to nights like this. Energy low, with no more pills, she suffered and shook convulsively. She'd been getting diagnosed with various diseases since she started with the symptoms back in 2007, but two years she found out she had stage one Parkinson's.

Only people who knew were her brother Shayley and Dr. Carl. She got rid of everyone else. She didn't even see her parents anymore. She moved to Chicago to a crappy one room apartment where she laid to die.

She contemplated suicide a bunch of times, depression runs in the family, but this was different. She didn't know why God had wanted to make her shake uncontrollably. She just wanted to make the shaking stop. She wanted energy again, like when she was younger.

Her councilor was always trying to make her feel positive, but whats the use? In no time, she will be in a nursing home with no fine motor skills, crapping and pissing herself for someone to clean up. She'll be around people in their 80's while she was stuck in her failing young body.

She fell asleep on the couch and dreamed. The dreams were countless memories of Austin and her. She screamed and woke herself up from the awful nightmare. Standing in front of her was her older brother. The one person who didn't judge her for leaving most of the time. She ranted on about her dreams and he turned from his normal self to everyone else.

“Stevie, you should at least tell the guy why you don't want to see him anymore. You just left him, with no note or anything.” Her brothers voice rang as she covered her face with the pillow her head once rested on. She'd been hearing it for the past two years how fucked up he was since she left from everyone, and now she hears it from him.

He couldn't be that fucked up since he married the home-wrecking slut that ruined their relationship in the first place.

“It was clear why I was done. I had caught the newlyweds the night before in my bed. I had found out what my real disease was the night before catching him. And finally, I need a person who isn't addicted to pills, booze, and sex to take care of me. I just assume to be alone. If that's all you want, Shay, then leave. I ran out of pills, and the doctors office is closed till Monday. You caught me on a good day, but this can turn to shit.” she calmly stated as she slowly climbed of the couch and into where the “kitchen” was before pouring vodka into a small layer of the mug.

“Here.” he stated before walking over to the door. There was a ticket of some sorts and a pass. “The first show with me singing is in Chicago. I want you to be there. I know you probably won't go. But, if you decide to get out. So you don't get killed by the crowd I got you a photo pass, I also know that your a photographer, so if you want to ditch this place for a while, you can come on tour.” his voice rang before the echo of the door shutting filled the room.

She drank the rest of her vodka and looked at the ticket. She leaned against the fridge and cried. Her hands ran through her hands as she looked at the picture that was on the bottom shelve that was suppose to be tucked away. It was a picture of him kissing her cheek at the zoo.

The image made her cry harder. “I hate him for what he did to me.” she kept repeating to herself as she crawled to get the picture. “I fucking need you. I love you, Austin.”
♠ ♠ ♠
/word count: 684/
I do not own "Lunatic" by Cassadee Pope.
Also, do not give me hate mail for making Stevie hate Gielle. It just makes the story intresting.